Originally Posted by Kutless
Is she in Heaven or Hell?
The bible teaches we are not to say who is in heaven or who is in hell.
I wrote a comparison and contrast essay for my college English Comp
class describing why I think hero's still exist in the world.She was one
of my main arguments.She was a very good woman.That does not put her
in heaven but it sure makes her a good example to follow for good works
though good works do not save you.My salvation though is not based
on whether Mother Teresa went to heaven or hell.Its based on the fact
that I know what salvation is and I am going to be held accountable for
that knowledge and how I acted on it.God is a just judge.I would never
call God unfair.He does what He wants in the kingdom of men.I don't know
Teresas heart.God does.He is the one she is answering to.I am to keep my
heart and mind fixed on Him because one day I will have to answer
to Him for myself.I am so grateful for grace and His blood because in
no way in my own self do I deserve favor.Its the gift of God.