The Sun so bright, lights the night,
from a ricochet of might.
Dividing my days into sweet beauty,
I am caught on the train of fast delights.
Feeling so blue in the morning mist of casual acquaintances
I find my way thru a subway of differences
Standing on the pinnacle of life my perceptions are swayed
Looking down is definitely different than looking up
Winding down is greater than traveling long distances
The thoughts that plague my plagiaristic view
Wherein lies the cause of issue for singularity of thought
For when I think, I am divided by all I know.
And my perceptions are not always the rule.
Yet I am a servant to my feelings.
“Come away from there” cried the One,
Bringing order and refuge at the same time
When my soul was thirsty for a few drops of
Acceptance I came to the waters of existence,
which never stopped time from taking its toll
Yet I am refreshed in forgiveness from my perceptions
And finding sweet salvation in the blood of one rejected.
I am made whole.