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Old 02-06-2015, 05:25 PM
doug92164 doug92164 is offline
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Old Apostolic Songs

Picked up this song today....Baptized in Jesus' Name was originally penned in 1916 and included in L.V. Roberts "The Present Truth." It was published in only one song book entitled "Apostolic Songs" ENJOY
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Old 02-07-2015, 07:43 AM
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Re: Old Apostolic Songs

Beautiful words!!! I'd say that a revelation was involved. I'll have to ask my mother if she knew that; my dad has passed on.

Songs like "The Waterway" and "The Pentecostal Fire", from my viewpoint, are similar - full of understanding and anointing. Most of the contemporary songs sung in most churches I've been in recently simply CANNOT compare to these songs that are meaty with doctrine and personal understanding.

As an aside, I forget his name, but Rex Humbard's father (if my memory serves me correctly) was beaten (clubbed) in one city for taking the message of Jesus' name. I recall my father quoting his words (probably from a fellowship meeting in the 20's or 30's in rural Arkansas), 'I felt the first few blows but after that it was just like they were pouring honey on me.'

Great words to this song; thanks for posting.
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Old 02-07-2015, 09:43 AM
doug92164 doug92164 is offline
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Re: Old Apostolic Songs

Here is another one entitled Acts 2:38 written by Mrs. S.K. Grimes
1. One morning very early on the day of Pentecost, While the Church of God assembled came the blessed Holy Ghost. When the hungry crowd that heard cried out 'Men, what shall we do?' You'll find Saint Peter's answer in the words I bring to you

[I]Chorus: O what will you do with Acts two thirty-eight? The way that leads to life is narrow and straight. Repent and be baptized God is speaking, do not wait. He gives you full directions there, in Acts two thirty-eight

2. Paul praying at Damascus, ere the scales fell from his eyes, Went down into the water in that name he once despised. He received the Holy Ghost and was called of God that day to bear the name to all the world of Jesus Christ and say (chorus)

3. The Ethiopia's Eunuch sat and read Isaiah one day He had no man to guide him until Philip passed that way, He said 'See here is water why should I not be baptized, For I believe with all my hear. Straightway he did arise (chorus)

4 Why not obey the Gospel, learn to do God's work God's way, Repent and be immersed in the name of God today. Well be measured by the word as we never were before Accept the word of God and enter in the open door. (chorus)
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Old 02-07-2015, 09:57 AM
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Re: Old Apostolic Songs

We sang "The Waterway" a LOT growing up. I remember some real "hoe down" services after singing that song!
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Old 02-07-2015, 10:00 AM
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Re: Old Apostolic Songs

Very nice, Doug. I like these older songs brought to memory!

Here's a favorite of my sisters (and perhaps KeptByTheWord [see above ]); she found the words very enlightening some years back. We sang this one when I was a child in church (that would be in the '60's and '70's).

The Water Way

1. Long ago the maids drew water,
in the evening time they say
One day Isaac sent his servant,
to stop Rebekka on her way
But my master sent me here to tell you
See these Jew-els rich and rare
Would'st thou a lovely bride be in the country over there?

Chorus: There shall be light in the evening time
The path to glory you will surely find
Through the water way it is the light today
Baptized in Jesus name!!
Young and old repent of all your sins
and the Holy Ghost will enter in
The evening light has come
It's a fact that God and Christ are one!!!

2. Have you looked and often wondered,
why the pow'r is slack today.
Would you stay in that back number,
and go on in man made ways.
Oh soul who never has been baptized,
in the precious Name of God,
Let the Truth now sanctify you,
it's the way the Apostles trod.
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Old 02-07-2015, 10:17 AM
doug92164 doug92164 is offline
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Re: Old Apostolic Songs

Brother Jonathan;
I like that one to....did you know that it has 2 more verses? Your second verse is actually the fourth. The second verse is

verse 2
So God's servants come to tell you of a Bridegroom in the sky
Looking for a holy people to be his bride soon by and by
He sends to us refreshing water In this wondrous latter day
They who really will be raptur'd Must go thru the water way

Verse 3 is
Are you on your way to ruin Cumber'd with a load of care?
See the quick work God is doing That so His glory you may share.
At last the Faith He once deliver'd to the saints is ours today
To get in the Church triumphant You must go the water way
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Old 02-07-2015, 10:18 AM
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Re: Old Apostolic Songs

Here's one of my fave's. I actually sang and played this some in the '80's and '90's - just love the words.

1. There are people almost everywhere
Whose hearts are all aflame
With the fire that fell at Pentecost,
Which made them all acclaim;
It is burning now within my heart—
All glory to His Name!—
And I’m glad that I can say I’m one of them.

Chorus: One of them (one of them), one of them (one of them),
I'm so glad that I can say I’m one of them;
One of them (one of them), one of them (one of them),
I'm so glad that I can say I’m one of them.

2. Though these people may not learnèd be,
Nor boast of worldly fame,
They have all received their Pentecost,
Baptized ([is the way we sang it]) in Jesus’ Name;
And are telling now, both far and wide,
His power is yet the same,
And I’m glad that I can say I’m one of them.

3. They were gathered in the upper room,
All praying in His Name,
They were baptized in the Holy Ghost,
And power for service came;
Now what He did for them that day
He’ll do for you the same,
And I’m glad that I can say I’m one of them.
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Old 02-07-2015, 10:19 AM
doug92164 doug92164 is offline
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Re: Old Apostolic Songs

Here is another one The Great I Am by Mrs. S. K. Grimes
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Old 02-07-2015, 10:19 AM
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Re: Old Apostolic Songs

Originally Posted by doug92164 View Post
Brother Jonathan;
I like that one to....did you know that it has 2 more verses? Your second verse is actually the fourth. The second verse is

verse 2
So God's servants come to tell you of a Bridegroom in the sky
Looking for a holy people to be his bride soon by and by
He sends to us refreshing water In this wondrous latter day
They who really will be raptur'd Must go thru the water way

Verse 3 is
Are you on your way to ruin Cumber'd with a load of care?
See the quick work God is doing That so His glory you may share.
At last the Faith He once deliver'd to the saints is ours today
To get in the Church triumphant You must go the water way
I thought there were more!! Very good; I did a quick search for the lyrics and only came up with the two. Thanks!
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Old 02-07-2015, 10:23 AM
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Re: Old Apostolic Songs

I really wish my Dad were still alive. He'd be so happy to see these songs brought back to attention on the internet.
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