Very nice, Doug. I like these older songs brought to memory!
Here's a favorite of my sisters (and perhaps KeptByTheWord [see above

]); she found the words very enlightening some years back. We sang this one when I was a child in church (that would be in the '60's and '70's).
The Water Way
1. Long ago the maids drew water,
in the evening time they say
One day Isaac sent his servant,
to stop Rebekka on her way
But my master sent me here to tell you
See these Jew-els rich and rare
Would'st thou a lovely bride be in the country over there?
Chorus: There shall be light in the evening time
The path to glory you will surely find
Through the water way it is the light today
Baptized in Jesus name!!
Young and old repent of all your sins
and the Holy Ghost will enter in
The evening light has come
It's a fact that God and Christ are one!!!
2. Have you looked and often wondered,
why the pow'r is slack today.
Would you stay in that back number,
and go on in man made ways.
Oh soul who never has been baptized,
in the precious Name of God,
Let the Truth now sanctify you,
it's the way the Apostles trod.