Aaron Liford
Apostolic Blogger, Podcaster and Speaker. I help apostolics grow in faith, prayer and stewardship so they effectively serve God, family and community. http://aaronliford.com
Not fair. Using this forum to get traffic to your blog. Lol
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
I'd rather you just write about your topics here on the forum
Mr. Liford, instead of asking us to go to your blog.
Although if you have the link in your signature, we can
still look when we like.
I believe our friend is normal. However, I do agree that could also post more of his thoughts here, instead of trying to traffic us over to his blog. Blessings to you Bro.