Re: Prayer Meetings
I enjoy prayer meetings so much. I like 'em all loud and I like them quiet. I just like prayer meetings in general.
Has anyone explored the dimensions of silence? I discovered this with some of my Quaker friends. In Quaker meetings everyone sits silently. The mind is quieted and focused upon Christ and hearing impressions from the Spirit. I'd never had believed this prior to experiencing it myself, but there are levels to silent prayer, meditation, and contemplation. There are moments when images fill the mind, or words seem to be impressed upon the heart. When your mind wonders it just feels like your mind is wondering, like it did for most of us back in school. However, when the words of admonition or encouragement begin to become impressed upon your heart by the Spirit... you feel shaky. You feel flushed. Sometimes it's like you're on the edge of breaking into a cold sweat. Sometimes you feel impressed to stand and share the words. When you stand up and share the words, sometimes the feeling releases. The group normally remains silent to contemplate or weigh what was said. It's powerful because you've communicated to the group what God impressed upon your heart. Sometimes the word corresponds to an issue being prayed about or an issue being faced by someone in the silence. God is good.
They have no pastors, priests, or elders. And this is the standard make up of a service. Anyone can speak as they are led of the Spirit. Most don't speak more than twice in a meeting if they do speak. This is the entire service. Silence, listening, receiving impressions upon the heart, speaking what one hears if to be shared with the group. Weigh what was said. This takes place for about an hour or so. Then suddenly someone turns to shake hands with a neighbor they are sitting next to. Then everyone begins to shake hands, whispers begin, voices rise... and the meeting is over.
Last edited by Aquila; 12-19-2014 at 08:16 AM.