Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I hope my questions aren't rude or too personal.
It is not every day that a person opens themself up to discuss something as personal and intimate as death.
It is not every day that a person gets to talk with someone for whom death is imminent.
My Grandma has been placed in home hospice, but she is 96, unable to communicate, and unaware of the world around her.
No one can ask her much of anything right now and expect a response.
But your situation is different!
Death is staring you in the face and basically, you're refusing to blink!
My hat is off to you Sir!
Not to worry, my friend, your comments are neither rude nor too personal.
I read this Quotable Quote many years ago, and have never forgotten it, and in recent times during my affliction I’ve remembered it often:
“It is good that a man think often of his own death” (Author Unknown)
Since that moment more than 15 months ago when I was first informed that there were NO medical remedies for my affliction, and that the mortality rate was 100%, I’ve never known either fear or worry, for I KNOW whose I am, and have been assured by Him who cannot lie that there awaits a much better life just beyond the seemingly darkened veil of the grave.
Paul advises us that the transition from this present life to our eternal abode with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is a mere “twinkling of the eye,” so why worry; indeed, the inspired writing of Solomon reveals that “the day of death (is better) than the day of one’s birth” (
Ecclesiastes 7:1, emphasis added), for only by the means of the death of the body am I to obtain my eternal reward.
The decision to terminate further medical treatment was not mine to make, but the medical professionals that have been responsible for my care, however, I did concur with them. They have been most passionate and caring and I sincerely appreciate all that they have done to insure that the quality of my life has been the very best that they were capable of accomplishing.
Regarding my prognosis: because of the possibility that a blood clot from my lungs could become detached at any given moment and travel to my heart, causing the normal blood flow to halt, death could occur at any time. I am well aware that each moment I remain alive in this body is truly a blessing from my Lord, for which I am most thankful, for because of my family and friends I would truly enjoy hanging on for as long as He allows. I know that if there remains something which He knows that I can do to assist in the plentiful harvest of souls that stand in desperate need of salvation, then if it be His will I will be here to do my part, however small that might be.
When I speak to my son later this evening to inform him of the conversation between myself and the medical professional team that have been caring for me, I will request that if my passing occurs, that he post the news of it here.
My faith in God's healing power remains strong, and as long as I am able to breath and communicate with Him, I know all shall be okay.
Thanks to you, as well as all others who've responded, for your concern and continued prayers.