Re: Youtube Vid on Prayer
Yes, Bro., the Lord indeed does bring insight, conviction, and understanding to our hearts even as we minister from the Word.
I want to share with you the story of a dear saint of God in my life who many years ago left an indelible mark on my life. She was a lady who loved to pray, more than anything else, and that is no exaggeration. We prayed together every chance we got. She would call me up and ask me if I would have lunch with her, and then we would go by the church to pray for an hour, many, many, many times. This lady prayed more than any other person I've ever met, and a more loving, giving, sweet, generous kindhearted soul you would never find. Never an unkind word, but if there was a problem of any sort, you knew she was taking it before the Lord. She went to be with Jesus earlier this year, and I was not able to attend her funeral, as we live many miles apart now. But, I rejoiced when I heard she had passed on to meet the One she spent so much time talking to.
When you know someone who has fully surrendered their life to the Lord, and lived and walked a life of prayer, then you surely are blessed. I know I am, and I will never, ever forget the special memories, and hours of prayer that we shared together.