My introduction to you:
Hello my name is bro. Efrain, originally from Colombia south america, saved by the Grace of God, received my call to the ministry on 1981 in the city of
Houston TX. Graduated on 1984 from UPCI Bible School. Since then I been always working as a pastor with the Hispanic. First in USA for about 25 years developing many churches, community projects and doing home missions. The Lord had give me the opportunity to travel to south and central America as a guess speaker or evangelist made good friends and to know part of the body of Christ around the world in some Hispanic countries. These trips teach me to appreciate how much we have in USA. Love many others who I never knew or meet before and take a decision to be a missioner.
on 1995 began my affiliation with INCM that later on become GNCM
On 2005 the Lord Jesus call me to travel to Costa rica Central America to be a support and help to some friends(pastors) who labor around this country. Since then I been here in San Jose the capital city working as an Education and leadership Director. Helping some churches in any way they may need. Today I was navigating around searching some inf about an important subject and find your page. long history in few words, thank you.
sincerely yours
bro. Efrain