Posted on a physics forum
Summer greetings my friends.
I begin now, my 60th journey around the sun…for no other journey, is there to run. I arrived at your physics forum a bit naïve. A people who study His handiwork, I thought, must certainly believe in God. Who knew, that despite our strides and revelations about the intense complexity of creation, there were still folks like you; who not only don’t believe in God, but scoff at Him.
I was roundly hooted here for my only post: MY WAYS. It was a simple plea, for learned men to consider perspective. The anti-lady, Ed Wood, Waitedavid137, Mekigal, and Hoogah have reproached me. So I thought to leave. But over 250 souls have read a simple plea for perspective, and my Lord bid me stay a bit. The Earth is full of nematodes.
To not believe in God, is but an insolent snub to the very knowledge you all boast of, and here frolic in. Like a child in a sandbox; with swing set, slide, and springy-horsey, rising to his parents and saying: “You’ve given me none of this. I appeared on my own, and have discovered them…neatly placed though they be”.
This plethora of knowledge today, and its mass availability, are unmatched in human history. It borders on absurd, then, to not see God in creation. Only a voluntary blindness, and a conscience choice of darkness over light, could yield such foolishness.
Gravity was enough for this drooling ignoramus. While we still grope to find the graviton, her forces can feint be ignored. The sun’s gravity pulls us into the sun. The Earth’s gravity resists…just enough, to leave us our perfectly balanced orbit. Entering the playground gates, we come then, to the math. The variables and constants that make these things so. And at the end of our math, we find precision at work, within established laws.
Being prudent, as you folks are; we extrapolate for all bodies of mass, their velocities and density’s, and their gravitational influences at parsec distances. Of course, we are a tad hamstrung here. We can’t seem to count all of the planets, stars, dust clouds, and voids of empty space. Once we do map that genome, we shall find at the end of our math, an Earth influenced by an entire inter-dependant universe. Even down to our angle of momentum, and our calculated wobble cycle. But enough fun on the springy-horsey.
Beyond gravity lays this sudden, mysterious transition from atomic activity, to life and anti-life. Like the swing set which sprang up one day…though securely anchored and painted.
And if gravity, and the sudden appearance of life out here in space aren’t enough, consider the animal kingdom. It’s probably coincidence that animals portray every character of the human soul. An angry she-bear, robbed of her whelps. The sleuth of a serpent. The math of a spider. Courage, innocence, ingenuity, patience, cruelty, speed, strength, pecking order. It’s all there, painted in the creation around you. So not just spontaneous life in outer space…but life with design, order, and congruence.
To climb so high, only to miss God in these simple things, is to slide back down with the “whee” of a child. This, on a slide that just is…though it be just my size.
The biggest aberration of all is anti-life. Unless the anti-lady has found a cunning way around it, there it sits before you…the elephant in the room. You have no answer for anti-life, yet you and your knowledge inch closer to it every day. This is a curious thing, for an ignoramus like me. If you have no answer for your end, who shall hear your beginning and your middle?