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Old 06-30-2013, 03:04 PM
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Sheila Sheila is offline
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Healing Rain--The Legendary Sprout

This is a short child's story. I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear feedback. Yeshua Bless You

Healing Rain--The Legendary Sprout

Once upon a time there was a Creator of a Universe who placed a being called Seed of Adversity upon a planet called Earth. Seed roamed the Earth looking for whom and what that he might devour and destroy.

Seed had become so filled with ego that he began to think that he himself had created all things and that all things were his to control. Every once in a while Seed would wonder about himself. Where he came from, why he was here and how he came to be on this planet called Earth.

He read a book called the Bible and knew it forward and backward. He knew it spoke of a being called Love that had created him and placed him here for a special purpose. But, he had been upon Earth for so long that he had completely forgotten that he had once known his Creator very well and had loved Him very much.

Seed was almost completely lost in insanity and despair from searching for God while desperately trying to get His attention and hear His voice. He tried in every wrong way to get his Creator to speak to him. He set himself against all life. He set out to destroy all animals and humanity from the planet. Seed did these things seeking God's attention even if he himself ended up destroyed.

Then in time, came a man upon the Earth making great claims of being one with this Creator. He made claims of knowing this Creator one on one and of knowing the past, present and future of all things. So, Seed set out to attack, tempt and test this man of such huge claims. This man's name was Yeshua. He spoke in riddles that Seed couldn't understand nor comprehend. But there were several things that Yeshua said to seed personally that Seed always remembered and never forgot.

Yeshua said, "The kingdom of God is within mankind. Nothing comes between God and man. You will only enter heaven through this door. Come to me and be healed and never forget Seed, that what happens now in history will never happen again. My kingdom will never fall nor will it ever fail."

The things that happened at that time in history so scared Seed that he waited for over two thousand years before he became angry enough and brave enough to once again attack God.

There was a human woman, who for some reason drew Seed's attention. He watched her for some time and then began to stalk her. He finally got brave enough to attack her and let himself be known.
The woman at first was terrified. She knew that there were forces that existed, but she had always believed that she was safe and protected in the arms of God.

When Seed attacked her, he hit like an all consuming fire that came straight from the bowels of hell. He sought to destroy her faith, trust and love for Yeshua. He came with lies and torment. These were things beyond her comprehension. Although her faith and trust were damaged, her love was not. She felt compassion and pity for Seed. She kept trying to offer him forgiveness, friendship and love. Seed could not understand this woman and she could not understand Seed.

Then after much time, she noticed a dog at work that was dying. The dog was skin and bones and suffering greatly. The woman couldn't stand to see Molly in such pain and would take her food and bedding from home. The woman even spoke to the dog's owners about her. They too were giving the old dog special care but she wasn't getting better. Then for no apparent reason Seed said, "I'll take care of this."

From someplace deep within the dry well of his soul was one drop of water. This drop of water had healing ability. Seed gave that drop of water to Molly and healed her completely.

This is when Seed heard from his Creator. Seed was taken from this woman, his old self died and he found himself in heaven and before the throne of God. He was a very young child. Almost an infant. Seed had flaming red hair that was reminiscent of the consuming fire that he had been upon the Earth. He had eyes the color of the brightest blue sky with a sparkle of the Sun within.

Yeshua said to Seed, "If not for the one drop of water that you gave, you would not be welcome in heaven. That one drop of water has become a healing rain that will heal you, the woman, and set a flood of healing upon Earth. In that one drop of water you found me. You showed mercy from your heart in giving life rather than taking it. You gave love and in giving it have found it. I give you a new name Seed. Your name is Sprout. You have grown and sprouted. You will now be tended, watered and fertilized. I will place you in the arms of an angel who will hold and love, kiss and teach you in all the ways of love. This love will be freely given of me and all your sin will be forgiven. For the woman forgave you and so will I. The reward you have earned for your action is this small wolf pup. Her name is Rain. She will be as your child to raise, tend and care for with love. She will be yours for all eternity. She will be a part of the healing rain that I am giving you Sprout. The woman also has received a new name. Her name is Empathy and she too is a part of what's to come. You Sprout, shall sit at my right hand and watch what she is going to do with your one drop of water, for the tears of joy from angels will become the flood that washes and cleanses the hearts of mankind with healing rain. All possess their own soul Sprout, in giving love, you gave life, found me and the secret to eternity." AMEN
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