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Old 05-10-2013, 09:25 AM
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Media in full spin on hearings

Liberal media spin Benghazi scandal to protect Team Obama
By Dan Gainor

Published May 09, 2013

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/...#ixzz2Stqoropg

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/...#ixzz2StqekIKV

In the real world, when you cover up four murders after the fact, you likely go to jail. In government, you retire with dignity and run for president with full media support.

Up until yesterday, that was the Benghazi scenario following the death of four Americans including our ambassador to Libya.

The Obama administration has lied, stonewalled, bullied, and intimidated – the true marks of an open and transparent administration. And, with a few notable exceptions, the American media haven’t just let them get away it. Heck, they’ve helped.

Hill testimony of State Department whistleblowers might change that, but it’s doubtful given the one-sided reporting so far.

The Obama administration has lied, stonewalled, bullied, and intimidated – the true marks of an open and transparent administration.

NBC said there was an “obvious political undercurrent” to the hearings and accused the GOP of going after the “most popular Democrat,” Hillary Clinton.

The New York Times public editor criticized her own paper’s Benghazi coverage and The Washington Post’s Twitter account inexplicably mocked those Tweeting about the case as “Chick-fil-A lovers.” AP even called it a “GOP” hearing, to make sure readers saw it as partisan.

A Politico story about CBS showed the truly insidious nature of media bias on this story and how the network held back Emmy award-winning reporter Sharyl Attkisson. “CBS News executives see Attkisson wading dangerously close to advocacy on the issue, network sources have told Politico,” wrote Dylan Byers. So much so that Attkisson is “in talks to leave CBS ahead of contract.” As a result, she hadn’t even reported on the Libya attack for five months.

It hasn’t just been CBS that has been trying to corral this story. New York Times coverage might still damage the administration even though that paper has tried to prevent it. MSNBC's sometime conservative, former Florida Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, even Tweeted about Thursday’s Times story, saying it “should cause great concerns in the White House.”

That piece, “Diplomat Says Questions Over Benghazi Led to Demotion,” detailed State Department retaliation against one witness, saying “the prospects for the 2016 presidential election” could be impacted.

Of course, the article minimized that impact. “Mr. Hicks offered an unbecoming view of political supervision and intimidation inside the Obama administration,” wrote three Times staffers.

Unbecoming? Quite the understatement. Hey, sorry we ruined your career. That’s so unbecoming.

Public Editor Margaret Sullivan took her own paper to task, but also blamed Fox News for having “fomented” criticism of the Times. “In fact, what’s been written in The Times has been solid. But my sense is that, starting last fall, The Times has had a tendency to both play down the subject, which has significant news value, and to pursue it most aggressively as a story about political divisiveness rather than one about national security mistakes and the lack of government transparency,” she concluded.

The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank treated the testimony as if witnesses were lying. His column called the sworn comments a “yarn” and referred to our No. 2 diplomat in Libya as a “virtuoso storyteller.” Milbank pushed the standard lefty response you can expect to see at least till November, 2016: “Hicks didn’t lay a glove on the former secretary of state Wednesday.”

It wasn’t just the traditional media spinning for Team Obama. Lefty outlets did their darnedest to downplay the death of four Americans, including the only U.S. ambassador killed since 1979.

On MSNBC, NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd undercut the scandal on the May 8 “Morning Joe.” Todd called the decision to not send more special ops forces to Benghazi “very rational.” Host Rachel Maddow blasted the GOP on her May 8 show for an organized conspiracy to make Obama resign, calling it “the most ambitious thing they have done.”

Comedian Jon Stewart devoted 8 and a half minutes attacking the GOP for the hearings, even bringing up Nixon cover-ups and saying the party has “a history of hysteria.” Increasingly, his role isn’t to make jokes. It’s as Obama’s Youth Ambassador/Spinmeister.

The liberal propaganda site Huffington Post incredibly didn’t even mention the hearings on the front page, just an attack on Fox’s coverage. Buried on the Politics page was the approved Democratic spin: “Benghazi Hearing Reveals Incompetence, But No Cover-Up.” Instead, it found room for stories on food addiction, “the female word for blowjob,” and “The Incredible Name Kevin Spacey Picked For His Rescue Dog.”

Other liberal sites went even further, ignoring the hearing and the testimony entirely. The Nation, Alternet and Democracy Now had no visible coverage. That’s a far cry from how the left reacted to even something as mundane as the NRA convention, where no terrorists killed four Americans.

It doesn’t really matter how they spin it, the news continues to get out. But if all major news outlets do is cover for the administration, they may well succeed in protecting their 2016 candidate.

Dan Gainor is the Boone Pickens Fellow and the Media Research Center’s Vice President for Business and Culture. He writes frequently about media for Fox News Opinion. He can also be contacted on Facebook and Twitter as dangainor.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/...#ixzz2Stq65ekh
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Old 05-10-2013, 09:50 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Media in full spin on hearings

In a show of support for the Obama narrative that Republicans are using Benghazi for politics, ABC News ran an exclusive that featured an ad the RNC made which the Romney campaign did not want to use and it didn't run.

The ad begins with a replay of Hillary Clinton’s famous “3 a.m. phone call” commercial from the 2008 campaign and then cuts to video of the burning U.S. consulate in Benghazi Libya.

Over the images of the attack–in which four Americans were killed–words appear on the screen:

“The Call Came … On September 12, 2012.” As the screen goes black, the words continue: “Security Requests Denied. Four Americans Dead. And an Administration whose story is still changing. The Call Came.”
Funny how ABC decided to release it now, after having it for 6 months or more.

Democrats will likely point to the un-aired commercial as evidence that Republicans are raising concerns about the Benghazi attack to score political points.
Ya think? It would've been one thing if the RNC actually ran the ad, but they didn't. Nonetheless, ABC News runs it out there to help the Obama admin, because they know the hearings are damning and raise serious questions about the President and his people.

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Old 05-10-2013, 09:51 AM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Media in full spin on hearings

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Old 05-10-2013, 10:35 AM
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Re: Media in full spin on hearings

Crowder and Klavan are always hilarious!!!! Hahahahaha!
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Old 05-10-2013, 10:48 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Media in full spin on hearings

It's sad that so many cannot see the issue with this.

Our embassy was attacked (an act of war). Our people were killed including an ambassador. Yet our President is doing all he can to keep it all hush hush and hidden as if it was nothing at all.

The same people that think this is a non-issue are the same ones who wanted GWB in prison for the military using waterboarding. So if you pour water on a terrorists head...you should be in prison for war crimes. If your state dept stands by and allows a terrorist attack on a US embassy and you do nothign about it but try to change the subject you are the greatest POTUS ever.

This country is doomed by our own stupidity and lack of backbone.
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Old 05-10-2013, 10:57 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Media in full spin on hearings

I'm gonna miss Jay Leno.

Last night he came out and said:
“The White House has a new slogan about Benghazi: Hope and change the subject. Thank you, move quickly...moving quickly!”
NBC believes they can't get him off the air soon enough. He's the only late night host that takes on Obama, and not just stupid jokes like Letterman used to do with Bush. Leno attacks Obama's policies and makes them a joke, and every time they hit the nail on the head. And that's the reason he's being replaced. It's not that he's too old or not getting the ratings. He's the #1 late night host; getting better ratings than his replacement, the unfunny Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, and Conan Obrien. The reason NBC is giving him the boot, again, is because he's not falling in lock-step with NBC and Obama.

LINK with Video clip
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Old 05-10-2013, 10:58 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Media in full spin on hearings

Jay Leno: Hey, over the weekend, President Obama, you know that, President Obama played golf with Tiger Woods. And Tiger said the president was a very good golfer for a guy who only plays five days a week. You know, so, that's pretty good.

Actually, you know what the president's handicap is? Anybody know? Doesn't understand economics. That's the handicap. But other than that, other than that, he's fine.
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Old 05-10-2013, 01:17 PM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Media in full spin on hearings

Leno is great.
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Old 05-10-2013, 02:53 PM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: Media in full spin on hearings

An eerie silence from the AFF Obama sycophants...

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 05-10-2013, 02:56 PM
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Re: Media in full spin on hearings

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
An eerie silence from the AFF Obama sycophants...
Are you listening to Jay Carney on C-span right now? LOL! He is fumbling around here? LOL!


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