Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
i'm not necessarily against it, just that we should be even handed with the arabs and support emerging democracies. why would you support israel and not arabs when niether are christian?
Jihad vs secular democracy...
...tough choice.
Regardless I feel that USAID should be scaled back to a disaster relief fund used only in the case of major worldwide natural disasters like the Haiti earthquake and the 2004 Tsunami.
But... IF money was going to any nation, I'd certainly not want it to go to an Egypt run by the Muslim Brotherhood.
But here we go with the libs, watch it, wait for it... "The Muslim brotherhood isn't bad, they are moderates, they were democratically elected and Islam is a religion of peace... blah...blah...blah, there's no such thing as Islamic extremism and if we give the Israelis who live in a capitalistic and largely secular and modern society aid then we MUST give the backwards nations of Saudi Arabia and Egypt that implement the ridiculously oppressive principles of Sharia on their people money as well." :yawn: