I know there is a lot of controversy about Craigslist in regards to scams, unethical practices, & just a general shadieness of it's operations.
Having said that, has anyone here used it's services?
I have gotten rid of an old metal bunkbed frame through the free section.
Our Church would have gotten free pews if we had our own building & I got two pairs of speakers one of which they do not make anymore.
When my wife found out I had gotten these two sets of speakers, she went ballistic like this
She obviosly didn't know the value of finding a set of speakers that aren't being made anymore.
My kids sometimes enjoy raising her blood preasure by saying, "mom, dad is online on Craigslist looking for free speakers again!"
![Foot Tapping](http://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com/images/smilies/TapFoot.gif)
The response from my wife is kind of like when Donald Duck gets upset.
![No! No! No!](http://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com/smilies/girlytantrum.gif)
Last year, I just happened to click online & a fellow said that he was putting out an almost new all in one Canon printer outside first come first served.
Our kids got an almost new printer for nothing as it was just 5 minutes away.
Anyone else used it?