Originally Posted by MrsMcD
How can any of us "really" know what happens.
That's why I said "believe".
I believe that when one is at the edge of death, they can often peer into the spiritual plane. Doctors, hospice nurses, family members of the dying, etc. often report these kinds of things. However, the dying typically remain very quiet about these experiences because they bring great peace. For example, I read a story about an older man who was dying. He laid unresponsive for hours as family waited for him to pass. Eventually the nurse advised them to step outside into the hallway to give him space to “let go”. The nurse quietly re-entered the room and watched him for a moment while taking vitals. She saw his eyes flutter. She asked if he was awake. He said, “I’ve been awake for hours.”. She asked, “Why haven’t you said anything?” He said, “Because, I’m watching the movies.” She asked, “What movies?” He said, “I can see my wife… and when my eyes are closed… I can see the movie of my life.” I didn’t want to interrupt the movie.”
The dying often report seeing a review of their lives, the spirits of dead loved ones, and angels. Many claim to hear singing and music. Of course… some are not so comforting.
I believe these “near death experiences” are true.
So, when we’re dying, we may experience having one foot in this life… and the other in the spirit.
At the moment of death, I believe we will experience of sense of being “out of body”. I believe that we might be greeted by angels and/or the souls of loved ones. Or, we might find ourselves standing alone, yet experiencing a deep indescribable peace. This is where I believe we’ll find ourselves being “drawn” into “the light”… the very presence of God. I believe that, as we stand before God, we’ll have a review of our lives. This will not be a fearsome and terrible event for the believer. But rather a revealing, and yet loving, review of victories and failures. I believe that God will talk to us throughout this review. I believe that at certain points we will see and feel the emotions, and perhaps know the thoughts, of those we affected as our lives are reviewed. By and large… we’ll judge ourselves with God at our sides. I don’t believe we’ll be judged so much for our doctrinal orthodoxy, nor our works or religiosity. However, I do believe we’ll be judged on how much we “loved” others. We’ll discover that at the end of it all… God simply desired that we love Him with all our being… and that our love for Him be expressed as love towards others. When we have rightfully discerned our lives before God and God has counseled us (the redeemed)… we’ll enter into a brilliant spiritual world beyond description. It is here that we will serve God until our resurrection and the restitution of all things.