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Old 12-05-2012, 02:52 PM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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B.R. Hicks and Christ Gospel International

Let me say up front, I know very little about this lady, but from what I know of Sister Hicks, I don't agree with a lot of her teachings, and the strong level of control there seems to be in her organization.

That being said, everything I've ever read... as an outsider... of that org and group is that they are Oneness and believe Acts 2:38, even among all the other stranger doctrines they have.

However, a friend of mine alerted me today, that her org has now posted the actual statement of faith from the Assembly of God as their own teachings... and they are declaring they believe in the Trinity as well as baptism is only a sacrament.

Does anyone know anything about them? And why such a huge doctrinal change has happened in recent months?

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Old 12-05-2012, 03:53 PM
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Re: B.R. Hicks and Christ Gospel International

I see no change in their doctrine. This is the same as what they believed in 1979 when I went to visit there. They have never been a Oneness group tho they baptize in Jesus name. I will say they SEEMED deeper than your average Christian back at that time.

They emphasized the doctrine of the bride in a pre trib rapture scenario. They were the hardest "shouting" Church you could imagine. They had the Holy Ghost "witness" as they called it. When Sis Hicks said something they thought was deep they all jerked at the same time.

I found them an interesting group but their foundation doctrine is to faulty.

Last edited by Michael The Disciple; 12-05-2012 at 04:33 PM.
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Old 12-05-2012, 05:02 PM
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Re: B.R. Hicks and Christ Gospel International

Bernice(Momma) Hicks has vacilated on her Godhead views for years. She has been Oneness, twoness, trinity and I heard her once say "God is one or three or as many as he wants to be."
I am somewhat shocked they have made it this clear but remember since she believe in current revelation this could change overnight as it has in years gone by. It could be since she is so close to death she is in her 90's maybe her underlings have convinced her to make this public so her group will be seen as mainstream which they certainly not. She has always baptized in Jesus Name but has never believed baptism remits sins.
All this is a smokescreen to decieve those who really don't know the absurd teachings of this group.
She has taught for decades that she alone has the 'word' witness which means she alone has the revelation of the scriptures a female form of Branham.
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Old 12-06-2012, 08:26 AM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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Re: B.R. Hicks and Christ Gospel International

I absolutely agree with my fellow posters that this is certainly a group with faulty doctrines for sure. Her diving into what I would call Jewish mysticism is also very strange to me. Here in the Nashville area, there are many folks who over the years left mainline Oneness groups and moved to Jeffersonville to be part of her group, and now I'm seeing another wave of folks starting to gain interest... folks that I thought were solid and rooted, somehow overlooking her absolute heretical teachings. For anyone who thinks a mainline Oneness church is cultish, aint seen nothing until they look at these churches. The absolute hold and control there is within this group reminds me of Jim Jones and his like to be honest.
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Old 12-06-2012, 09:01 AM
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Re: B.R. Hicks and Christ Gospel International

She has absolute control over her preachers and members. They have been in and out of the local news for years. They are nothing more than a cult. Her doctrines change with the wind. I knew personally several her main preachers that caused their group to grow in the 60's and 70's. Nearly every original church was a split where an evangelist out of her group preached a revival and split the church. The majority of her base at that time were Oneness folks. Dave Rich, Jimmy Turner, Leonard Conners, Johnie Geotss, John Brown build her movement NONE of them made it morally all of them failed and finally left her group. Never could understand how a woman could have that much control over a bunch of men?
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Old 12-06-2012, 09:30 AM
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Re: B.R. Hicks and Christ Gospel International

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
She has absolute control over her preachers and members. They have been in and out of the local news for years. They are nothing more than a cult. Her doctrines change with the wind. I knew personally several her main preachers that caused their group to grow in the 60's and 70's. Nearly every original church was a split where an evangelist out of her group preached a revival and split the church. The majority of her base at that time were Oneness folks. Dave Rich, Jimmy Turner, Leonard Conners, Johnie Geotss, John Brown build her movement NONE of them made it morally all of them failed and finally left her group. Never could understand how a woman could have that much control over a bunch of men?
Though I am not pentecostal anymore, I would love for an in depth documentation and study be done of the strong influence of women in the pentecostal movement. Fascinating.

I now go to a church that does not allow women pastors or elders and it is a church full of freedom in christ where men are involved and it isn't as feminine as most churches. Men lead the church and their families in a way that I never say growing up. I grew up in a church pastored by a strong man but the truth is that women really controlled the church at every spiritual level.
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Old 12-06-2012, 10:22 AM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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Re: B.R. Hicks and Christ Gospel International

There is much to be said about the appropriate role of women in the church and ministry. There are those that would run to say, in Christ there is no male or female. And that's true in regards to the freedom of the gift of salvation and God's ability to work a redemptive work in their lives.

However, Scripture is plain that there is a distinct role between men and women. To say something is not equal does not by any means declare that one thing is inferior to the other. Oranges and Apples are by no means equal, and neither is one inferior to the other.

If men and women were equal in God's eyes, he would have just created another man for Adam. He created woman, because her role is a distinct compliment to man, and man to her role.

And the Scripture is plain to show that the role of men and women are distinct within the church. I currently am ordained with an organization started by a woman. We have some women pastors... and I can enumerate a plethora of issues that have come out of strong female presence in the leadership and a lack of Biblical male leadership. It has caused many issues.... and now we are reaping the consequences and trying to correct many of those ills.

Our current bishop believes as I do, it is not God's perfect will that women serve as bishops, or as pastors. They can have an annointing to minister, to encourage and even teach.... but they cannot serve in the same Spiritual authority as a man within the body... much less the home. God may have allowed some women pastors within his permissive will due to the lack of men having the backbone to step up to their calling, but it is far from his Perfect Will for the church.

I preach for some lady pastors, love them, pray for them, but they know where I stand on the issue. And I could never be a member under a lady pastor, or be accountable to a woman bishop/superintendent.... just doesn't fit God's framework.
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Old 12-06-2012, 11:05 AM
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Re: B.R. Hicks and Christ Gospel International

I don't believe in women pastors or preachers. But some are very humble women doing their best to serve the Lord, however this woman is a queen bee who rules like queens of old.
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Old 12-06-2012, 11:51 AM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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Re: B.R. Hicks and Christ Gospel International

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
I don't believe in women pastors or preachers. But some are very humble women doing their best to serve the Lord, however this woman is a queen bee who rules like queens of old.
Queen Bee is putting it lightly from what I've seen. And to think their weird mystic doctrines and other teachings will seem more normal if they align themselves somehow with a group like the AG is absolutely laughable.
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Old 12-06-2012, 03:31 PM
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Re: B.R. Hicks and Christ Gospel International

Originally Posted by Bro. Robbins View Post
Queen Bee is putting it lightly from what I've seen. And to think their weird mystic doctrines and other teachings will seem more normal if they align themselves somehow with a group like the AG is absolutely laughable.
Dont worry the AOG would not take then in because they baptize in Jesus name.
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