Free affective and Powerful ways to reach souls in your church!
These programs and more are free and listed on web site. For more information please contact Brother Tim Downs
Backslider or Prodigal Program
This is a program designed to reach out to all of the backsliders in your area. Basically we are getting together a list of all the people who have left our churches and sending them the first month a CD with music and a card and each month after you will be sending them a card. With the list of backsliders you will want to distribute this to all the saints to use for a prayer guide. We will want to pray for each person on our list daily.
It is important for the Pastor to remind the church regularly about the need for backslider’s information.
Sunday School Seed Program
This program reaches into the homes of our Sunday School children through a packet that is created to send home as a seed. Basically we make up folders that have the following information in them and send them home to each family of the children who come to our Sunday Schools. This program is very affective and is a great way to reach the parents of our children! Here is what we suggest putting in these folders. You can get the folders at any office store; they have the pockets on the inside.
a. Music CD
b. Bible Study ( Tim’s Bible Study is free and affective)
c. Letter From Pastor
d. Church Bulletin if you have one each week
e. Church Schedule of Services or Events calendar
f. McDonalds gift cards if affordable
Court House Program
This program is very affective. You want to have a couple of people working in this program. You will want to find out the schedule at the court house for all of the court sessions i.e... Criminal, Divorce, Bankruptcy and Traffic. One thing you can be sure of when people are going through any type of situation that brings them to court they are in need of prayer and willing to receive it! If you have people who can stand outside of the court room with a name badge from your church and possibly a nice sign that says “Prayer Request Taken” they can greet people and have a nice little book to record the prayer request of the people. In most court situations you have the person going to court and also their families, this is a great way to serve your community and show your church loves people and is willing to pray for them. The person who does this should make sure to dress nice and be very friendly and compassionate. Be sure to have plenty of church cards to offer people.
Free Cooking Class
This is a program that your older or younger ladies can do. If you have ladies auxiliary they can head this class up. Many times the elderly ladies do not feel there is a program for them to reach souls, here is one they can use! You will want several women to get together and have recipe cards of simple things they can prepare. Make up flyers that are exciting and tell people your church is offering FREE COOKING CLASSES! Take these flyers to all of the battered women’s shelters, wick offices, welfare offices or anywhere single and hurting mothers will be found. In the class you will just basically have one person per week show how to prepare one recipe. You will want to show the women how to make it and then sit down with them and fellowship and eat it. The first thing you will want to do is teach them to pray before their meals! Also you will not want to preach to them, use this as a fellowship tool, have some soft Christian music playing in the background and just show your self friendly! Each week other women from your church can teach her recipe.
Learn the English Language FREE!
This program will be very helpful in the next few months. We are seeing more and more Hispanic families in our communities and we can reach them with this type of ministry. Basically you will need someone who knows Spanish. They do not have to be a teacher or professor just someone who can speak and write Spanish and English. The person will want to teach 10-15 words per week. You can advertise to every Hispanic person in your area with flyers and news print. Once you have a group of people coming make sure to love them and let them know about your church services.
Sunday School Give Away Program
This is a very affective program to build you Sunday School. You will want to have a give away at your church and make flyers that list the items you will be giving away. Make this exciting, do not use words like
Acts 2:38 and One God and all the other religious terms, just advertise Blessing Our Community Through Giving. You can give away a couple of hundred dollars worth of prized and reach many souls! We have a sample flyer on our web site that you can use. ( You will want to hand out these flyers all across your community. Apartment complexes, stores, schools where ever you see people. One of the best gifts to give is a free bicycle. If you have 25 families in your church who will commit to giving a donation of $100.00 through a period of one year you can have a bike give away each week and be known as the church that gives away bicycles! It will not take long for the community of children to hear about that! Door hangers are very affective in this program and others to be affective in reaching tons of families! You will want to choose several apartment complexes that you can basically adopt. You will want to visit there each week, take fruit snacks or some type of free candy each week and a flyer. Stay in contact with the children! You can purchase boxes of fruit snacks from SAMS CLUB for $7.85 per box….each box has 72 packages of fruit snacks in them and are very affective in giving to people and opening up the door to talk to them.
Witnessing in Restaurants
This is an instruction sheet helping people understand how important it is to act appropriate in restaurants. Each person needs to have a copy of this! The Apostolics are not the only church that act crazy in restaurants however we look different than any other Christian so attention is drawn to us and the separation from the world is a way that people know who we are. We have to be very careful how we act in public and also use this time to be an affective witness. You can down load this at
All of these programs will help you in reaching the lost. We do not believe these are the only programs that work, however we can say that they do work! Please feel free to edit them, change them or use them in any way to reach souls. I believe God has given me the wisdom to instruct many about reaching souls and I want to offer what he has taught me to each person!
We have many other ideas available on our forum, you can get there by going to and clicking on Our Forum.
These programs will not work by simply being good ideas, you must put them into place and use them to be affective. We must reach our world and we have little time left to do this! Let’s get busy church!
These programs in there entirety can be found by clicking on the Download Resources button on
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God Bless
Evangelist Tim Downs