The Obama Record: 2009-2012
In 2008 there was no record to judge him by. In 2008 there was an unpopular sitting president presiding over an unpopular war, an economic catastrophe unfolding, a Republican nominee who was a war hero but was running a feckless campaign, and a handsome Democratic candidate who was articulate and inspiring behind the lectern, promising a healing of the planet, a cessation in Muslim hostilities, lower unemployment and an improving economy.
How different it all is now. For one thing, Obama now has a record and now we at last have something concrete to judge him by. We now know that about the only promise he has managed to keep is to make the price of energy “skyrocket.” Yes, he’s done that all right. Even as he refused the Keystone pipeline and drilling permissions around the country, the price of gasoline has gone from an average of $1.85 a gallon to something just shy of $4.00. He promised, if only we gave him the $780 billion “stimulus,” he would have unemployment down to 5.6 percent by 2012. Reality check: it’s about 8.1 percent. Twenty-three million people are unemployed or underemployed. He promised to halve the annual deficit in his first term; it’s still something like $1.4 trillion. The federal debt clock ticked over to $16 trillion as the Democratic National Convention convened in Charlotte. Remember when David Axelrod, in 2005, said that it was “madness” for Bush to add $3 trillion to the federal debt in four years? Remember when BO said it was "unpatriotic" how much debt Bush added in his 8 years? Obama managed to add more than $5 trillion in only three and a half years. There's the foreign policy that has fallen apart, with embassies on fire, our flags being ripped apart, Al Qaeda flags flying in their place and four American diplomats dead. Iran continues to move forward on nuclear capability with sanctions and words accomplishing nothing, Israel asking for some kind of tougher stance and clear lines in the sand. There's the apparent dishonesty about the attack in Libya as the administration blatantly emphasized that the attack was not an act of terror, when they had knowledge of terror activity within 24 hours of the attack. There's the cover up of Fast and Furious, inaction on illegal immigration, not securing the southern border, etc.
So there you have it. The Obama record.
Romney has a record of fixing broken businesses and industries, fixing the Salt Lake City Olympics. Sure, he has a few chinks in his armor, but Obama is the Emperor with no clothes.
The choice November 6 seems obvious to me and many others, but to others, the stagecraft, the image keeping, the presence and telegenic smile cause them to ignore the obvious. Judge a man's competence by his record, not by how he makes you feel. It's a shame, but many never can get beyond that.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
Last edited by deacon blues; 10-03-2012 at 09:42 AM.