Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
saw that last night on lawrence odonnell. i think a third party would spell doom for republicans. the repubs are already in trouble with demographics and the dems have claimed the center. many lefties are dissatisfied but content with electing the most leftist person in a centrist platform. repubs are the ones who are not content with centrists but they nominated mccain and romney both centrists. it is the right wing that is not content, but tea party candidates can't win by themselves. a third party would have to appeal to both parties, but i think a majority of dems will stay loyal and the repubs will be split. either way repubs have to change either because of a third party or because of more latinos. what do you think about this and what are your thoughts?
I think that the GOP doesn't deserve loyalty from anyone. It's corrupt and they've shown how much. They have, successfully, kept Gary Johnson and Virgl Goode off the OK ballot - not giving OK a choice except the two parties. That is not what America should stand for.
Let it fall or rise on the votes of the people. And I don't mean getting rid of the Electoral College. If that was done, the smaller states would never have representation. Just give ballot access is all I'm saying.
Make sure that whoever wants to, legitimately, run has a chance, not having big money stopping them. We need to end this duopoly.
You are right that a third party needs to appeal to both sides. That is the difficulty. You have Gary Johnson who will appeal to the disgruntled Democrats because of his social issues, but the conservatives will have a huge problem with him.
Then you have Virgil Goode who is strong on both social and constitutional issues. The social won't appeal to the left.
We need to get behind whichever party stands strong on our Constitutional rights and that is not the Democrats nor the Republicans, by large. I don't know how well Gary Johnson will do, but he is a successful two-term governor - a better record than Romney had.
Virgil Goode refuses to use PAC money, and that makes his run a difficult one, but he also has a great record fighting for our country - better than the two guys at the top.
It's a messed up election year for our country. A crying shame.