If you accept that Jesus (Yeshua) is the one true God this is the next step, the next level of the truth. Answers the questions about "In the beginning was the Word".
Always be aware that the capital "W" 's in John 1:1 and 14 were added by the Trinitarian translators. It would be good to also remember that the "logos", in their [translators] thinking, was the erroneous "logos" of Plato and Socrates which colors the writings of both Trinitarians and Oneness authors to this day.
John's intent was not to point the God fearing children of light to Greek Philosophy. He was talking about something from the Old Testament. Thats what the video is about.
Always be aware that the capital "W" 's in John 1:1 and 14 were added by the Trinitarian translators. It would be good to also remember that the "logos", in their [translators] thinking, was the erroneous "logos" of Plato and Socrates which colors the writings of both Trinitarians and Oneness authors to this day.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
John's intent was not to point the God fearing children of light to Greek Philosophy. He was talking about something from the Old Testament. Thats what the video is about.
That's correct. Although there existed in the 1st ce. AD a Hellenized-Jewish "Logos" theology, the Apostle John's intent in his gospel was to re-capture the original Dabar ("Word") motif from the OT, and to re-assert it for a NT audience. The Scriptural "Logos" was God's immanent self-expression.
John's intent was not to point the God fearing children of light to Greek Philosophy. He was talking about something from the Old Testament. Thats what the video is about.
I'm not concerned with John's intent but the intent of later translators, of which King James' Bible is an example, of the influence that Plato and other Hellenists had upon what both Trinitarian and Oneness students believe today.
Hypostatic Unions and a Christ with a dual nature being foremost examples. Almost all oneness defense of their position comes as an antithesis of the Trinity based from a Trinitarian viewpoint! The early pioneers of the 20th century all came from Trinitarian backgrounds and tried to explain God's oneness, yet with a Trinitarian vocabulary.