At some point, welfare will go broke & be available to no one, if it doesnt go back to it's original intent: to be used by those who find themselves in destitute situations,beyound their control, until they get back on their feet--get full time job.
But, business must be hiring full time employees for this to happen.
But, business cant afford to hire full time employees (since they will also have to provide them with health insurance) without taking future benefits from it's exsisting employees (raises,ect..)
So, business dont hire.
So, folks cant find full time jobs.
So, folks stay on welfare.
I am convinced, our only hope is Men-filled with the power of Holy Ghost (leads & guides us into ALL truth)-take charge over our country...we need HolyGhost filled Men of GOD as President/Congressmen/Senators/ect..
That wont happen,until Men of GOD run for these offices.
Please, Men of GOD, WE NEED YOU !!!