Back in the late 1950's or early 1960's I preached on "A White Stone."
A few years ago I found my handwritten notes for that sermon on a 3 X 5 piece of paper in an old Bible. I've put it into a word processing document and have it filed on my iMac in a folder called "Ruff Drafts." I may preach it again some day. I wish I had more of some of those old sermons I preached but they and some of the Bibles I've used over the years are long gone.
A White Stone
Rev 2:17
1. not guilty
a white stone would be handed to the person on trial if found not guilty and a black stone would be handed to the person if found guilty.
We are all “not guilty” before God, justified, “just as if I’d" never sinned
2. a yes answer
urim and thummim were a black and white stone kept in a pouch on the high priest’s chest. when seeking an answer from God, a stone would be pulled out and if it was white the answer was “yes” and if it was black, the answer was “no”
all the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ
3. Admission to a society
when voting on a new member, a black stone (or marble) means “no” and a white stone/marble means “yes.” a person who was rejected would be “black balled.”
We belong to a royal priesthood, the family of God, the Church of Jesus Christ
4. allocation of land
white or black stone was chosen to see who got what land.
we have a promised land, possessions allocated to us
5. prize in sports
winner got a white stone, a wreath, a trophy
and we are all running in a race for a prize
6. tessera hospitalis (TES uh ruh hahs pi TAY lis), a pledge of hospitality and friendship, a token, half of which was kept by each of two friends.
If two friends were parting, or if one was going to a place far off, they would split a white stone, each write his name in it, and give to the other. When you arrived at the destination, you presented the stone to your friend’s family or acquaintance and when they saw his name on it, they accepted you just like they would him. We are accepted by God the Father just as if we were His Son, Jesus. He made us acceptable in the Beloved