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Old 07-04-2012, 06:17 AM
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The white stone--the new name

The mystery of the white stone with the new name is another riddle of the Bible.
Revelation 2:17---ICE--The answer woke me at 1:30 A.M.
God is living water--we symbolize this with baptism--all who accept Jesus Christ will be known by His name and will have eternity.
The white stone is ICE---the name written within is Christian
We are all connected to God as the body with Him the head--we aren't given individual names--we are one---I think we make these mistakes when we read the Bible--we see just ourselves as individuals

God has told us over and over that He can control and move matter--that He is all matter. He could turn a few loaves of bread into many, water into wine, raise the dead, create all things, turn a staff into a snake and a snake back into a staff, walk on water, control the sea and the earthquakes and the plagues, etc.---when food was needed why couldn't He have just placed what they needed in the palm of their hand or just filled their bellies full? Or had it grow right in front of them?--hidden manna
This is a God who could speak from a buring bush, part the red sea, make you and me and be a part of us---intelligence ever present
Yeshua Bless You
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:30 AM
samuelofisrael samuelofisrael is offline
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Re: The white stone--the new name

Originally Posted by Sheila View Post
The mystery of the white stone with the new name is another riddle of the Bible.
Revelation 2:17---ICE--The answer woke me at 1:30 A.M.
God is living water--we symbolize this with baptism--all who accept Jesus Christ will be known by His name and will have eternity.
The white stone is ICE---the name written within is Christian
We are all connected to God as the body with Him the head--we aren't given individual names--we are one---I think we make these mistakes when we read the Bible--we see just ourselves as individuals

God has told us over and over that He can control and move matter--that He is all matter. He could turn a few loaves of bread into many, water into wine, raise the dead, create all things, turn a staff into a snake and a snake back into a staff, walk on water, control the sea and the earthquakes and the plagues, etc.---when food was needed why couldn't He have just placed what they needed in the palm of their hand or just filled their bellies full? Or had it grow right in front of them?--hidden manna
This is a God who could speak from a buring bush, part the red sea, make you and me and be a part of us---intelligence ever present
Yeshua Bless You
Rv 2:17

17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.KJV

Is this the verse you are referencing?
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Old 07-04-2012, 04:35 PM
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Re: The white stone--the new name

What's kinda funny, is that as a very small child I found a huge clear stone (I've been told that it's clear quartz) I really don't remember finding it--but I've had it since I was about six years old. I'm fifty-one now.Some say that it can't be clear quartz because of the bubbles inside of it. But it's not glass. I'm not saying that the stone is important or anything--just interesting. It's the only thing I have that's from early childhood. It looks like an iceberg and is larger than my hand.
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Old 07-05-2012, 09:56 AM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: The white stone--the new name

Why do you call the white stone "ice?"
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Old 07-05-2012, 10:30 AM
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Re: The white stone--the new name

just wanted to through some history in here, i may come back and revist this later today

In ancient times, white stones were given to people (with their names written on them) as invitations to special banquets.
(This is similar to the practice in modern times of sending engraved invitations.)

or possibly this

a small worn smooth stone, a pebble
in the ancient courts of justice the accused were condemned by black pebbles and the acquitted by white
a vote was used with wite and black stones. to be given white stones was be discharged of all crimes that came against you.

the black stone brought judgment.

However the greek word for stone here is also used to describe something other than a stone, maybe i could provoke your thinking to do a search on the greek to see what you find. Its very interesting and deals with the issue of stephen.
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Old 07-05-2012, 10:59 AM
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Re: The white stone--the new name

Back in the late 1950's or early 1960's I preached on "A White Stone."
A few years ago I found my handwritten notes for that sermon on a 3 X 5 piece of paper in an old Bible. I've put it into a word processing document and have it filed on my iMac in a folder called "Ruff Drafts." I may preach it again some day. I wish I had more of some of those old sermons I preached but they and some of the Bibles I've used over the years are long gone.

A White Stone
Rev 2:17

1. not guilty
a white stone would be handed to the person on trial if found not guilty and a black stone would be handed to the person if found guilty.
We are all “not guilty” before God, justified, “just as if I’d" never sinned

2. a yes answer
urim and thummim were a black and white stone kept in a pouch on the high priest’s chest. when seeking an answer from God, a stone would be pulled out and if it was white the answer was “yes” and if it was black, the answer was “no”

all the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ

3. Admission to a society
when voting on a new member, a black stone (or marble) means “no” and a white stone/marble means “yes.” a person who was rejected would be “black balled.”
We belong to a royal priesthood, the family of God, the Church of Jesus Christ

4. allocation of land
white or black stone was chosen to see who got what land.
we have a promised land, possessions allocated to us

5. prize in sports
winner got a white stone, a wreath, a trophy
and we are all running in a race for a prize

6. tessera hospitalis (TES uh ruh hahs pi TAY lis), a pledge of hospitality and friendship, a token, half of which was kept by each of two friends.
If two friends were parting, or if one was going to a place far off, they would split a white stone, each write his name in it, and give to the other. When you arrived at the destination, you presented the stone to your friend’s family or acquaintance and when they saw his name on it, they accepted you just like they would him. We are accepted by God the Father just as if we were His Son, Jesus. He made us acceptable in the Beloved
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Last edited by Sam; 07-05-2012 at 11:02 AM. Reason: correct typo
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Old 07-05-2012, 03:17 PM
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Re: The white stone--the new name

I think it's all symbolic--either the stone is ice as symbolic of living water(God) or symbolic of an invitation--same thing though isn't it? An offer by God to accept Him and repent.
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Old 07-05-2012, 04:15 PM
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Re: The white stone--the new name

Originally Posted by Sheila View Post
I think it's all symbolic--either the stone is ice as symbolic of living water(God) or symbolic of an invitation--same thing though isn't it? An offer by God to accept Him and repent.
i dont think its symbolic of ice or living water. many times when discussing things, one needs to look at history and how they would percieve things. example

If i told a 1st century jewish convert these words " He who fills his vehicles gas tank full, makes it along way"

He would look at me like im crazy!!

The Stones represented judgment and forgiveness. The white stone isnt given in order for you to repent, the Stone comes after you repent. You have been forgiven, your debt has been paid. Judgment has been settled.

so the stone is for those who already accept God, this is why me and sam shown you history to understand the stone and the concept behind it.

and also it could be used as a invitation, but in context i believe it is the former
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Old 07-07-2012, 11:58 AM
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Re: The white stone--the new name

Originally Posted by acerrak View Post
just wanted to through some history in here, i may come back and revist this later today

In ancient times, white stones were given to people (with their names written on them) as invitations to special banquets.
(This is similar to the practice in modern times of sending engraved invitations.)

Where did you get this information? Just curious, as it seems like a fascinating subject.
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Old 07-09-2012, 08:02 AM
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Re: The white stone--the new name

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Where did you get this information? Just curious, as it seems like a fascinating subject.
just do some googles on it you should be able to find many articles relating to historical references based on these stones .
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