Originally Posted by Aquila
I was taught that while both devils and unclean spirits are demons... there is a distinction between the two.
Anyone else taught this or believe this?
i believe they are the same. I also believe that these demons live around places that some state our "field with paranormal activity".
I watched a episode of the ghost hunters, the man was agnostic. he didnt know if there was a heaven or hell, but he made the comment however there definantly something at work beyond the grave. while he thinks its dead peoples ghost i am more to believe these are the Spirits that have fallen.
I also remember watching a catholic do a exorcism. a girl, who they strapped down in a chair at the womens concent. When the man started praying the women got mean quick. Some of the first words was that she spoke was "I exsist" "I exsist" the priest answered proove it.
the women said" war, Hatred,envy,Lust, I exist"
pretty chilling stuff