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Old 05-02-2012, 12:56 PM
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Wearing a Suit and a Tie

I heard a preacher say that you should dress your best when coming to church (part of the first fruits i guess). He stated that being in the presence of God should warrant what we wear. I fail to see the logic behind his premise. I have prayed to God in my pj's and felt God just as much as I would if I were in church wearing a suit and a tie. Some preachers need to get off a high horse and get real.
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Old 05-02-2012, 01:06 PM
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Re: Wearing a Suit and a Tie

I have prayed to God in my pj's
I did too, but that does not mean I can go to church like that.
I would love to, but that's another story...something like midnight madness at the local mall, but go to church at midnight and have revival?

If a guy shows up like a slob in church, that's fine for a few times.
But if he keeps coming in like that, maybe we should throw some money at him and take him to a clothing store.
I mean, get real....look decent when in church.
What's wrong with looking decent in the Lord's house???

Last edited by Dordrecht; 05-02-2012 at 01:09 PM.
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Old 05-02-2012, 01:08 PM
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Re: Wearing a Suit and a Tie

Originally Posted by Dordrecht View Post
I did too, but that does not mean I can go to church like that.
I would love to, but that's another story...something like midnight madness at the local mall, but go to church at midnight and have revival?
So, do you wear a suit every time you go to church? What about wearing jeans and a t-shirt?
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Old 05-02-2012, 01:10 PM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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Re: Wearing a Suit and a Tie

I would agree that some over spiritualize what is worn. When it comes to Biblical instruction, I do believe modesty and making sure that what is worn isn't to bring attention to self, but to the Lord is always important.

But secondarily, I do believe that everything as unto the Lord is an important factor here. We live in such a disrespectful world these days. People are so disrespectful and casual in their conduct toward one another and society in general, and I would love to think that the church, when the family of God comes together for corporate worship, could be one place that we dress respectful.

But I use that same rule of thumb as well for the funeral home, if I were to go out to eat, to visit someone's home, etc.

I absolutely am apalled how disrespectful we as society have become to one another especially at the funeral home. It amazes me how people come dressed now, as if they were going down to Walmart.

So, I agree with you brother, but to an extent. There are some things we do not because it's a Bible Issue, but just because it's respectful, appropriate, and the right thing to do... and dressing in your best (whatever that may be) for church, the funeral home, visiting someone, going out to eat, etc is just a respectful thing to do, IMO.
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Old 05-02-2012, 01:11 PM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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Re: Wearing a Suit and a Tie

Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
So, do you wear a suit every time you go to church? What about wearing jeans and a t-shirt?
I wouldn't wear jeans and a t shirt out in public unless I just had to run to the corner convenience store to pick something up late at night... so I sure wouldn't wear it to church....
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Old 05-02-2012, 01:11 PM
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Re: Wearing a Suit and a Tie

I went to church last night in a polo shirt and a pair of jeans and got preached to.
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Old 05-02-2012, 01:15 PM
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Re: Wearing a Suit and a Tie

I don't think what you wear has any bearing on your spirituality. I do think that different churches and church cultures have varying ideas about what is acceptable, and it seems appropriate to fall in line with the practices of your local church. Some churches have a more casual atmosphere, some more formal--I'm not convinced that either is better than the other. I'd say wear what's comfortable unless you're on staff and you're specifically asked to wear something different. Our church is a mixture, with the exception of Sunday AM platform people. Some people dress up, some dress casual. Personally, I enjoy dressing up, but I don't care if people show up in casual clothes.
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Old 05-02-2012, 01:18 PM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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Re: Wearing a Suit and a Tie

Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
I went to church last night in a polo shirt and a pair of jeans and got preached to.
Are you saying you were told you were out of order? If so, the error here is that the person preaching didn't handle it correctly. If they believe you are wrong for doing that, or anything else for that matter, before it reaches the pulpit they are to come to you, Matthew 18. And it shouldn't reach the pulpit unless you are found in willful disobedience of God's Word, which here you are not. At any rate, you should have been approached privately before it ever coming to the pulpit... so that person was out side of the Book.

Secondly, if a congregation together decides the culture of that congregation is that "we're gonna dress up for church" then that's more than fine... and a person should expect to feel somewhat out of place. If they decide we're going to be a "come as you are and want to" type of place, then that is fine as well.

If I person decides to dress in great contrast to the even "unsaid" cultural norms of a congregation, then they need to examine their motives. Are they doing it to try to "teach them" they are wrong, or "get a reaction", or are they sincerely trying to walk in unity, but this is how their heart dictates them to dress.
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Old 05-02-2012, 01:18 PM
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Re: Wearing a Suit and a Tie

Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
So, do you wear a suit every time you go to church? What about wearing jeans and a t-shirt?
I don't wear a T shirt to church.
Yes, I do clean and new looking jeans to church.
No I don't wear a suit to church often, but sometimes I do.

But I do look CLEAN, that's the point I am making.
I make sure not to offend someone either.
It's simple, look clean, look decent.

Last edited by Dordrecht; 05-02-2012 at 01:21 PM.
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Old 05-02-2012, 01:19 PM
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Re: Wearing a Suit and a Tie

Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
He stated that being in the presence of God should warrant what we wear...I have prayed to God in my pj's and felt God just as much as I would if I were in church wearing a suit and a tie.
Brother, to be truly acceptable, you should have worn a tie with your pj's...just saying.
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