If you don't want to go to college, have sex or befriend gay people have I got a presidential candidate for you.
This weekend we learned even more AMAZING FUN FACTS about Rick Santorum.
First he told us that college in the United States is just a giant left wing indoctrination camp for elitists, which is presumably the only reason why President Obama says its important to go.
'President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to college – what a snob!' Santorum, who has a B.A. and M.B.A. AND a J.D., said this weekend to laughter and cheers from his Tea Party audience.
Then Santorum called America's colleges 'indoctrination mills,' which prompted applause from his resentful conservative audience eager to stick it to those egghead professors. You'll be waiting a long time before he refers to Americas churches as 'indoctrination mills', of course.
Still, defending willful ignorance takes courage, but throughout his career Santorum has always believed that patronizing as many people as possible is a winning political strategy. Having won none of the college graduate vote to begin with, perhaps he feels he can split the difference.
Most impressive of all though, Santorum told us this weekend that he doesn't believe in the separation of Church and State, an absolutely foundational principle of the Founding Fathers. In fact, President John F. Kennedy's vows to keep his private faith out of his public life actually sickened Santorum, he revealed.
'I don't believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute,' Santorum told ABC's This Week yesterday. To underline his point Santorum revealed that Kennedy's 1960 speech in Houston made him 'want to throw up.'
He continued: 'To say that people of faith have no role in the public square? What makes me throw up is someone who is now trying to tell people that you will do what the government says,' Santorum said.
Clearly people of faith should be writing our laws, running our hospitals, censoring our art, teaching our children and declaring our wars. You know where you stand when people of faith are in charge. Just look at Afghanistan.
At this rate President Obama doesn't even need to campaign.
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See more: US Presidential Race, US politics
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