Originally Posted by jediwill83
This movie was so incredible...I went to see it with my fiance and her mom.It addresses the issue of not only abortion...but those that SURVIVE attempted abortions and it does it in a way that grips the heart allowing healing without pointing a finger of blame...I can honestly say I was biting my lip throughout and holding back some major water works.I encourage anyone that can to see it.
Thanks for the recommendation. I was adopted in 1960, and my mother was 16 when she was forced by her parents to give me up. She passed away when I was 22 (she was 38 years old) from a brain aneurysm.
After she died, my great aunt hired an attorney and found me 3 years after she tragically passed from this life. I did meet my real family on my mother's side, but never met my true mother.
My grandparents (my mother's parents) said that she never got over me, and my grandfather would cry, saying he was sorry for ever doing this to his daughter. She stayed with me in a Catholic Hospital in San Francisco for 2 months, caring for me until my adopted parent's were chosen. I’m almost positive that she bonded with me as a baby, nursing and holding me before I was taken away.
To this day, my heart is broken because of this very difficult situation. I have a picture of my mother when she was 22, and sometimes I gaze into it with nothing but tears.