Peanuts (Surreal Poem)
Some people treat coffee grounds as if they
Illuminate the soul but perhaps they only aid in getting flat tires
With flatulent gasses on top. Dogs on the mind play tricks through
The hoop holes of Mount Everest. Somehow I can never seem to
Tell why no-body tames them or tells them off.
Loons, in the bin a few crayons short of a full box
Play cards but always loose to the loopy schizophrenic
Not because he cheats but because he is the son
Of Superman and can see through their hands. Clark Kent was very
Disappointed. Nevertheless Cinematic presentations dominate western
Culture. Perhaps for their appeal to impulse, romanticism, action; playing
On the emotions and desires of the masses. Perhaps rationality
Is an illusion or an unreachable ideal from the
Enlightenment but one thing is for sure, grasshoppers don’t
Like peanuts.