I do believe it is sad, however, Paul in
Romans 11 speaks of this very thing. He states that because of unbelief their eyes were blinded as a people, until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled. He states that the Gentilre church is grafted into the tree of Israel, and that one day Israel will see Jesus for who He really is. However, in the meantime, the Gentile church is to provoke jealousy in the hearts of the Jewish people. This happens when they encounter people with the Holy Ghost, because they can not understand our relationship with their God.
The day is soon coming when the eyes of Israel shall be opened for the end of the Gentile church is even now at hand. They have forsaken the laws of God and are now embracing that which is unholy and profane. God will not long tolerate the abominations performed in His name and will smite them. Even now He is preparing to shake with great force the dead wood from the tree, and when He is finished He will destroy them without mercy or pity.