Originally Posted by Amanah
This goes back to the hunter/gatherers, when the men and older boys would head off for the hunt and the women and girls would scour the woods for edible plants.
Or the men would guard the paraments of the camp, while the women would cook and nurse their babies.
I think this grouping off is embedded in psyche.
I see it differently than that... but that doesn't count for much.
We all have differing "jobs" in life... we always have. Women do this... men do that... kids do the other. That is, absolutely, the way it has been for all of time.
But the thing I see that is different is that we now have an ability for the three groups (men, women & children) to get together with their "own kind" and experience an environment that consists of and builds and increased need/desire for all things equal to their own makeup.
It would seem that this concept is probably one which I have not yet put enough though into to properly be able to explain and engage in discussion about. Of course... discussion would facilitate better understanding as well...