Apostolic movements today are a conglomeration of different denominational influences that pre-existed centuries ago.
1. Holiness is a doctrine that was the central theme of the Charles and John Wesley movements. In the last few decades those ideas have been compacted and bloated even further, and have very few roots in true Apostolic faith and practice of the first century.
2. The focus of
Acts 2:38 as being the door way in to the Kingdom of God is a relatively new focus. Notice I said it's a newer focus, but it's an antique doctrine that is very obvious from Apostolic scripture. Prior to the Apostolic renewal of the last century, there were very few sects of Christendom that focused on
Acts 2:38.
3. The experience of speaking in tongues has had pockets of different believers scattered throughout the world all throughout the history of the church, but there has never been as great a concentrated movement of tongues speakers as there has been the past 100+ years.
4. Water baptism has been a staple of the church from the get go. All denominations have believed in baptism of some sort; immersion, sprinkling, etc.
5. There has grown a strong emphasis of tithing as a must over the past 50 years with the sky rocketing popularity in TV preachers soliciting money from all over the country while small local churches suffer as a result of keeping this fat cats afloat. It is true that the church has always needed money, but the actual concept of tithing is a bit obscure in the context of the New Testament. That is not to negate the teaching of the NT that beseeches believers to support the local efforts of an ecclesia.
6. Salvation by grace is a doctrine that resurfaced in the 1500's by Martin Luther. As much as we don't' want to admit this, we owe a great debt of gratitude to the German reformer for standing against the Catholic churches abuse of indulgences and the idea that money and good deals could buy or work ones way out of purgatory or hell and secure salvation in to heaven.
I could continue listing so many things, but the fact of the matter is that today's "Apostolic" church is a coat-of-many-colors patched together borrowed from many pieces of cloth throughout the churches nearly 2000 years of world history.