However, there is a place one can get to where sin hardens the person's heart against the grace of God. God's grace is still enough but the person may be turned over to a reprobate mind and not able to respond to the grace of God. The issue is not with God's grace but the condition of the person's heart toward the Grace of God. Many may "turn the grace of God into laciviousness".
However, there is a place one can get to where sin hardens the person's heart against the grace of God. God's grace is still enough but the person may be turned over to a reprobate mind and not able to respond to the grace of God. The issue is not with God's grace but the condition of the person's heart toward the Grace of God. Many may "turn the grace of God into laciviousness".
Then God's grace is not enough to save those with a hardened heart.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
There is a big difference in saving and saved. If one is not saved then they can never confess in faith they are saved. PERIOD.
Those who are being saved can never confess salvation by grace through faith because it is not finalized until the end. Either your born again of the spirit or your are not, there is no in between.
Jesus did not come to save our flesh, he came to save our spirit from eternal damnation and that he did by removing the penalty of sin. He who became sin for us that we might be saved through him and not ourselves. How plain is the verse when it states, not of yourselves, lest any should boast.
Where is boasting then? is it by the law? I think not but by grace and not yours but Jesus'
No one is perfect, I have never met anyone who is perfect, only those who think they are by the merit of, " I'm trying to live perfect and because of that my faith is counted worthy of salvation. Dear Jesus, people better wake up. Our righteousness in the sight of God is as filthy rags!
Can't get to heaven by the works of the law.[ which is the commandments included] if so the bible states that if that were the case then Jesus has died in vain, for by the works of the law no one was found perfect, that is why God performed the work of Christ and planned it form the beginning.
And therefore since Jesus has come and done the work he has done then God has annulled the old covenant that a new one could be in force.
Paul states clearly that there cannot be two covenants in force at the same time.
The big problem with people is this; If they were to try and live by faith in the new nature which they were supposed have taken on by the spiritual re-birth, they would find out very soon how many of them were not real to begin with.
Some of those who preach righteousness by faith in the blood of Christ and then disregard the receiving of the Holy Ghost with signs following, would really examine themselves and their stance against holiness standards they would find out they aren't right either.
Holiness is part of the new nature Christ gave us. It is also an ongoing non stop process of repenting and continual effort to over come the wrong in our lives which is not like Jesus. It is the nature of the Lord in us and His spirit is in us and we have been made over in his likeness. So, living right is a matter of nature not effort, it should come as easy as rolling off a log, that is, if you are really real in Christ!
If the truth were taught and received concerning who we are in Christ the issue of backsliding would not be an issue. Most people backslide be cause they think God can't forgive them anymore or they don't measure up to the standards of those who are condemning them for their weakness.
Man I shouldn't have got started, I'm sure someone on here will rebuttal this, bring it on I don't care.
However, there is a place one can get to where sin hardens the person's heart against the grace of God. God's grace is still enough but the person may be turned over to a reprobate mind and not able to respond to the grace of God. The issue is not with God's grace but the condition of the person's heart toward the Grace of God. Many may "turn the grace of God into laciviousness".
I actually agree with the majority of this thought. God will never NOT forgive a sin or lifestyle but there is most assuredly a point where a human may not WANT God to forgive them anymore. I'm pretty confident that even when this point is reached God will lead and forgive even with the person kicking and screaming -in the same manner Lot was dragged from the city before it was destroyed, but there is probably a crossroads (which is different for every single person and hopefully not easily reached) where God grants the person his wish, and leaves.
Last edited by RandyWayne; 10-23-2011 at 02:00 PM.
I actually agree with the majority of this thought. God will never NOT forgive a sin . . .
Except blaspheming the Holy Ghost, of course. And unbelief (unless you stop unbelieving), of course. (Could that be said of any sin? That it won't be forgiven until you stop?)
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
What exactly is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost? Taking into consideration that jesus is the Holy Ghost since he is the spirit of a departed one and he is the only one which is truly holy.