Originally Posted by On The Wheel
The debate was a great disgrace for the UPCI in multiple ways. I just did not want a false doctorate making the whole fiasco even worse.
http://oof.upci.org/inductees/nurshan.asp :
"Honorary doctorate degrees were conferred upon Brother Urshan from Apostolic Bible Institute, Gateway College of Evangelism, and Christian Life College."
It should be noted that none of the institutions listed have ever been accredited, let alone recognized as having the authority to confer a "real" doctorate. For that matter, none of these institutions even have post-graduate studies programs - accredited or not. It is rather shaky.
I worked for Bro. Urshan briefly many, many years ago. I never knew him to use any sort of title other than "Rev." - and even that was a formality. I don't know why they pulled "Dr." out of the bag for the Ankerberg debates. In my opinion, we should not have even had the GS go on the show - just for appearances sake.