My daughter from Dem to Republican in one hour
I have a daughter that is a very good university student. (Academic all american in sports also). I am not taking credit for this idea. I discussed how hard she worked on having perfect grades since middle school and being offered scholarships at big 10, big 12 and ivy league schools. She works very hard. She works hard in sports. She scored high in the olympic trials in the heptathlon.
I asked her why she was small and did so well in sports. She said she practiced hard and her coaches got her to focus on doing more every week. I asked her why more athletic girls didn't do so well. She said they didn't practice enough. I asked if they should be elgible to do the New Balance track meet in NYC even tho they didn't qualify. She said no. Then I explained capitalism and socialism.
Under the socialist view, the slow and the phat should get the same rewards as she did. I asked her if it wouild be fair if all the art class could go to the Smithsonian free and not her alone for her national art award. She said no way. Under Obama's socialism, those that work 4 times as hard, get the same grades and opportunities as those that don't do homework.
Most college students think that dems help the poor. Where does free food and welfare come from? it comes from the hard workers. She didn't like that part. She volunteers for a charity but didn't like the gubment volunteering her without consent via payroll deduction. The thought of kids getting the same grades that did extra work vs those that didn't do homework and missed class really clashed with her values.
She found out she was conservative.