Originally Posted by MrJob62
"Only 1.6 percent of Wal-Mart's employees live above the poverty level." This was in the news a couple of weeks ago. Chicago didn't want the Wal-mart stores there because almost everyone that works there will still qualify for some form of federal assistance and the stores will displace businesses that pay living wages. If Wal-Mart were a country it would be one of China's top ten trading partners. They are taking billions out of the US economy and returning very little.
No, I am not an economic expert but I can as the Bible says "judge by the fruits" and I stopped believing the free market propaganda a long time ago.
Under the constitution corporations have person-hood but they are persons without a conscience to convict or a body to incarcerate; virtual sociopaths if you will. The only way sociopaths are safe is in a highly regulated environment.
Highly uneducated people are paranoid about Corporations. In fact, when a corporation goes public, they have to use independent CPA's for audits. These audits have to be Sarbannes Oxley compliant to be accepted.
You also are not a psychologist. You have no idea what a sociopath is.
In fact you are rather Marxist. You can't name a successfull Marxist economy. As a liberal drone, it is sociopaths that feed foster and incubate Marxist economies.
Your worldview would be like the failed economy of Venezuela and Chavez.