Originally Posted by MrJob62
I'm sorry I just can't trust this guy Breitbart he is more of a deceptive editor than a reporter.
from Wikipedia
"On July 19, 2010, Breitbart posted two short videos showing excerpts of a speech by Shirley Sherrod at an NAACP fundraising dinner in March 2010. The videos ensuing controversy resulted in Sherrod being fired from the United States Department of Agriculture on July 19. After it became clear that the videos Breitbart posted omitted the point Sherrod was making, Breitbart posted the complete 40-minute video of the speech revealing the true meaning of her statements in context."
He fabricated a lie and good people were hurt.
Aren't you the detective.
Look any other place on the net and you'll find the same video of Bibi and Obama.
And as far as Shirley Sherrod that tripe you posted was debunked.
So, how about addressing what Bibi had to say to Obama?