Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be done, and there is no new thing under the Sun."
The truth of this scripture illuminates all the "types and shadows" which are most evident, and casts new light upon those which hide themselves in parables and allegories, that helps us look at prophetic understanding of these end times, if we see the "thing which was, is the thing at hand.
For example, if we believe that "My666stery Babylon" is typed by "Jezzebel"...we can see that the "Harlot" is the "Prophetess of Bael" (Satan) controling and manipulating her " Ahab" who is the Political power/principality she has corrupted. ( The hierarchy of Apostate Judeaism mirrors today's apostate heirarchy of church organization who set themselves up as Ahab,Herod, drawing power from the power and pricipalities they are sold out to.) Like Jezzebel, her sons are kept in power on thrones which God has not given them.
Neputism in Apostolic organizations and INDEPENDENT CHURCHES IS A MAJOR FACTOR TO APOSTASY IN THESE END TIMES. JEREMIAH 23: 21"I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them yet they prophesied." You see preachers every where arranging "pedigree marriages" from one PK to anotherPK so that the two Families can keep the control over what the congregation has tithed and worked for, so that souls are saved, not mens kingdoms built. If God is not speaking to these impostors, no wonder the sheep will starve and fall from the faith.
Another type is Herodius who caused John the baptist to be beheaded, we look for the Harlot Church (plural) to betray the end-time John the baptist/11th hour ministry annointed w/ spirit of Elijah as John was.When God ordained prophets stand against their adulteries, they will do all they can to ruin with false accusations men of God who call for a
II Chronicles 7:14 revival by and through the Body begining with the Hierarchy. "that which has been is that which shall be." Because of apostate Kings of Israel, all of Israel, but a remnant went into exile.