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Old 04-22-2011, 09:39 PM
pkdad pkdad is offline
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Time of The End


"*But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even
to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, knowledge
shall be increased."
* Daniel 12:4

Matthew chapter 20:1-16 Jesus tells the parable of the
householder hiring laborers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay
each a penny a day even though the ones he hired at the 11th hour
would work but a short time for the 11th hour was at sundown,
6pm to us. The first hour (our 6 am)...thus was 'first light' for the
and called the"day"... the 12 hours of light, the sun going down into
in the 11th hour.

Jesus said, "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is
day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in
the world, I am the light of the world." (John 9:4-5) Jesus tells us
here that when the time comes at the eleventh hour, the night will
come after and..."no man can work."

As long as the Holy Ghost is resident in, and empowering the
Church, Jesus is still in the world! But the night cometh! Even
among those who claim Christ, but are without the baptism of the
Holy Ghost and Jesus Name baptism, see the plain and clear prophetic
word being fulfilled that this is the generation that shall see the

The parable of the laborers is prophetic to this hour! The 16th
verse of Matthew 20 says, "So the last shall be first and the first
last: for many be called but few chosen." The Church in the 11th hour
has been foretold of throughout scripture in prophetic type and shadow
as to the nature and purpose of her calling, fulfilling the most
important ministry not only for a great end-time revival, but for the
reconciliation of Israel also.

Israel being the first people called for his namesake were blinded
in part until the fullness of the Gentiles come in. {Rom 11:25} The
11th hour ministry will be like the laborers in the parable, chosen to
complete the work in the most crucial hour. The 11th hour ministry
works as the sun goes down in the darkest hour, the light shall shine
the brightest since the day of Pentecost, which began in the "third
hour" of the day!

Using "Type and Shadow" of Israel's deliverance from Egypt, as the
"Patterned Type" for the Church, we see that before famine befell the house
of Jacob,
ten of Joseph's brethren tried to kill him, but instead sold him into
slavery...thus making
God's ordained "Nation" twelve tribes...incomplete.

We know Joseph, who was "the eleventh son" was chosen to fulfill a
divine destiny
in God's plan of salvation for the house of Jacob/Israel... from whence the
promised "seed of the woman" would come: the "Savior" of the world.

*Five examples of Joseph as "Type"* *of 11th hour Church at "The Time Of The

1.The Gentile Church was birthed and gifted with "gifts of the Spirit" as
was Joseph, and as prophesied, "the elder must serve the younger" the last
shall be first, the first shall be last, and again the 'Ten' was provoked to
jealousy and the eleventh Son, went out from among them...to fulfill the
divine plan of God for the reconciliation of the :"Natural branches" to the
Olive Tree.

2. Joseph, because of his God given anointing, found favor with first
Potipher, and after being falsely accused by Potipher's wife (a
Jezebel/Whore Babylon Type) and was again persecuted, but elevated into the
'second in command' of the "Pharaoh."

3. Joseph recognized his brethren when they came to find relief from the
"famine" and brought them out of their homeland and they prospered in Egypt
until a new Pharaoh " who knew not Joseph" (Type of Anti-Christ) enslaved
them until Moses delivered them and led them back to their promised land.

4. Once in that homeland their enemies still surrounded them, desiring to
destroy them which eventually they did, but only because of the division of
the "House of Israel" again when the backsliding Kings of Israel went "a
whoring after other gods" and the "Ten" again rebelled against the anointed
of God, in this case...the throne of David which is to to be "forever." As
the eleventh son of Israel prepared the way for the retaking of the
"promised land" with the "Throne of David" re-established in Jerusalem, so
has and is the "Eleventh Hour Ministry" of the Church!

5. Like Joseph was elevated in Potipher's house, so was the Church after
Pentecost until the "Whore" caused persecution and enslavement through
"Rome." Since that time, the Apostolic doctrine and teachings have been
imprisoned and suppressed in "type"... as was Joseph until called unto
Pharaoh's court where he was used by God to save both Egypt and the house of
Israel from destruction. While it was "Allied forces" in general that
stopped Hitler from annihilating the Jews and destroying the Church, America
who had come from Britain, and God had chosen to create in her a refuge for
religious liberty to be "nourished" and brought a world wide outpouring in
1906 re-birthing Apostolic truth and evangelism, fulfilled the patterned
"type" but if so, then is also the place where another Pharaoh "who knows
not this Joseph", shall rule.

* Hypothesis: God is still using anthropomorphic history and events to
reveal what has **been sealed until "the time of the end."

Question: Does scripture support the use of types and patterns for doctrine
and prophesy?

Answer: Hebrews 8:5* "Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly
things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the
tabernacle: for, saith he, that thou make all things according to the
pattern shown to thee in the mount."

Ecclesiastes 1:9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and
that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing
under the sun."

Isaiah 28: 10, Ezekiel 43:10, Hebrews 13:8 to name a few of many supportive

We see therefore that God has used man's history which is recorded in the
bible, to not only 'play out' type and shadows in repeated patterns, but has
continued.. and we can see it, if we will re-evaluate our "eschatology"
which is tainted with the same error of "The harlot Babylon" doctrines that
Apostolic truth led us out of concerning Godhead Theology, Soteriology,
Christology, Pnuematology etc...

* The parable of the 11th hour laborer*

As Jacob birthed the twelve sons as the heads of the twelve tribes
of Israel, we can see a prophetic type in Joseph as the 11th son was
to Jacob, the 11th hour ministry of the Church is to Jesus, our

For Jacob, Joseph was supposed to be"the first". He was the son of
Rachael whom Jacob thought he worked for in the beginning. But Laban
deceived him and he got Leah. "Rachael means "Ewe" mother of many
sheep. Leah means "doe eyed and haggardly."

Satan has deceived the world with a "Leah" in the Post Apostolic
Age. Just as Joseph's brethren sold him into slavery for his God
anointed calling, we see the 11th hour ministry of the post 1906
outpouring emerging as the Joseph who will save the house of his

The mainline religious denominations who had subscribed to
cessationism, rejected the 1906 visitation as of the devil and mocked
it because of it's interracial complexion as well as it's supernatural
gifting(s) like Joseph's.

And again, because of racial hatred and men who were called but not "chosen"
to lead the Eleventh Hour/Joseph ministry of the church, the "brethren" were
again divided." So we again see this "microcosm" in repetitive type of the
Church not able to cross Jordan into the
promised land.( metaphorically)

But now that we find prophetic fulfillment in Israel, as she is poised to
be grafted
back in, ( whether nationalistically or "branches that; whosoever will")
we see that the Joseph/11th Hour ministry, is the final type of the
'brother' exiled because of jealousy and hatred.

As satanic rebellion caused "fratricide" and hatred between Cain and Able,
and the children of Abraham, The ten tribes against Judah, and "his own"
against The Lord Jesus, we see Ecclesiastes 1:9 perpetuated in "type and
shadow" in history over and over.

This happened again among us after 1906 when the division of the
brethren occurred over race because of racial hatred and discrimination.
Again, we see the type repeated!

The Church in post-1906 that has been led to all truth and understanding,
( Soteriologically etc..)... like Joseph, if we are that chosen generation,
we will save the brethren (Jew and Gentile) along with many in Egypt, from
famine ." Not a famine of bread nor thirst for water, but of the hearing of
the words of the Lord." Amos 8:11....with another and last great outpouring
upon his people who will "will humble themselves and pray, and turn from
their wicked ways, and seek my face, then will I hear from heaven and will
their land." 2 Chron &:14

In Joseph, we also see him as a type who is a forerunner to Moses a type
of Christ as to his second coming. When Joseph and all his brothers were
reunited as the house of Jacob, all 12 were together and 12 is God's number
of perfect divine government, as the church will be when Israel is grafted
back in, for Benjamin (son of the right hand) is a type for Israel and
fulfills 12 in the Church's divine destiny as prophesied over and over in
scripture and type-shadow.

We finally can see a "Joseph/Gentile Church who loves his estranged
brethren, ( Israel) and is and has been in the position ( free world Church)
to protect and deliver Israel from it's enemies and preach the Gospel of
Jesus to bring them out of spiritual "famine."

Again we will see in the story of the deliverance of Israel from
slavery under the new Pharaoh who is type of Antichrist, and the
supernatural plagues against Egypt are mirrored with Revelation and
Daniel's prophesies. But getting back to Joseph as a 'ministry type',
we can see that the apostasy of the Church was involved with the
political "beast" of the day overcoming the saints through persecution
and tribulation of Holy Ghost filled, Jesus named believers who were
driven out into exile and into hiding until God provided countries
that protected "religious freedom."

Of course this remnant remained for "the gates of hell shall not
prevail against my church." The outpouring in America in 1906 marked
the birth of the 11th hour Joseph ministry of the Church and God has
stamped his divine mathematical irrefutable hand on these events.


end part 1
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Old 04-23-2011, 11:49 AM
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mfblume mfblume is offline
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Re: Time of The End

Thanks for your thoughts.

Well laid out.

I like how the bible says TIME OF THE END and not END OF TIME.

I have some differences, though, whereas I used to agree technically with this. I believe the church is not Gentile at all, but Jew and Gentile in one body. Joseph is not a type of the Lord getting a gentile church for a bride, since Eph 2-3 says the church is Jew and gentile i none body. When we make types of things the bible never specifically stated in the New Testament, we are offkey. Since the NT does not teach the church is gentile, we cannot find a type that supports that. If we care not for what the NT actually says and does not say, then we can concoct a type for anything we look for.

People look for types of teachings that are not found in the bible teachings. I supposed I could find a type of God's will for worshiping a volkswagen if I tried hard enough. We have to ensure the types we see are types of things the bible INTENDS us to teach. IMHO.

My thoughts, anyway.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."

Last edited by mfblume; 04-23-2011 at 11:56 AM.
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Old 04-23-2011, 01:53 PM
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Re: Time of The End

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Thanks for your thoughts.

...People look for types of teachings that are not found in the bible teachings. I supposed I could find a type of God's will for worshiping a volkswagen if I tried hard enough. We have to ensure the types we see are types of things the bible INTENDS us to teach. IMHO.

My thoughts, anyway.
Well, maybe not a Volkswagen but I can find in Acts 2:1 where the disciples were all in one Honda Accord....
Now, wouldn't that be a scripture to consider in the question of whether 12 or 120 were baptized in the Spirit in Acts 2:1-4? With some crowding you might get 12 into an Accord but not 120. This should confirm the idea that only 12 were baptized in the Spirit in Acts 2:1-4. This revelation was right here for all these years and we never saw it until these last days.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 04-23-2011, 03:33 PM
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Re: Time of The End

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Well, maybe not a Volkswagen but I can find in Acts 2:1 where the disciples were all in one Honda Accord....
Now, wouldn't that be a scripture to consider in the question of whether 12 or 120 were baptized in the Spirit in Acts 2:1-4? With some crowding you might get 12 into an Accord but not 120. This should confirm the idea that only 12 were baptized in the Spirit in Acts 2:1-4. This revelation was right here for all these years and we never saw it until these last days.


"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 04-24-2011, 03:00 PM
pkdad pkdad is offline
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Re: Time of The End

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Thanks for your thoughts.

Well laid out.

I like how the bible says TIME OF THE END and not END OF TIME.

I have some differences, though, whereas I used to agree technically with this. I believe the church is not Gentile at all, but Jew and Gentile in one body. Joseph is not a type of the Lord getting a gentile church for a bride, since Eph 2-3 says the church is Jew and gentile i none body. When we make types of things the bible never specifically stated in the New Testament, we are offkey. Since the NT does not teach the church is gentile, we cannot find a type that supports that. If we care not for what the NT actually says and does not say, then we can concoct a type for anything we look for.

People look for types of teachings that are not found in the bible teachings. I supposed I could find a type of God's will for worshiping a volkswagen if I tried hard enough. We have to ensure the types we see are types of things the bible INTENDS us to teach. IMHO.

My thoughts, anyway.
I agree with that, "there is neither Jew nor Greek" I was referring to "Gentile Nation Rule"...although we are "termed wild branches to Jewish Natural" causing a distinction at least in the semantics of terminology.
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Old 04-24-2011, 03:11 PM
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Re: Time of The End

Originally Posted by pkdad View Post
I agree with that, "there is neither Jew nor Greek" I was referring to "Gentile Nation Rule"...although we are "termed wild branches to Jewish Natural" causing a distinction at least in the semantics of terminology.
Yes, that is true.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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