Do you think it will fulfill the bible prophecy concerning the third temple... a place that the antichrist plays a part?
Yes, I do, but preterists and partial -preterists will disagree with me.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
At about 2:47, looks like they should slope the seating a bit more, or the folks in the back rows won't be able to see much.
Only thing to see is the anti-christ..... surely everyone has seen Opra at least once in their life already.
__________________ You can't reach the world with your talents. People are sick and tired of religious talents. People need a Holy Ghost annointed church with real fruits to reach out and touch their lives. ~ Pastor Burrell Crabtree
In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter
Do you think it will fulfill the bible prophecy concerning the third temple... a place that the antichrist plays a part?
What third temple? Please give me proper NT scripture that tells of a third temple that God accepts. When all the prophecys dealing with the temple were written in NT the temple in Jerusalem was still standing so had to be speaking of that temple. No where in the book of Revelation does it speak of a new man made earthly temple that had been rebuilt or was new.
Something else to think about when checking into this, What did the Jewish temeple revolve around? Animal sacrifices for the sins commited my man. Why do the Jews want to build anew temple for? To began to re offer animal sacrifices. Why would this please God?
His son became the last sacrifice for all mankind don't you think that for the Jew to restart animal sacrifices that it would be like spitting in the face of God? God destroyed the temple in Jerusalem and Jerusalem in 70ad because those people would not repent for what they had done when they crucified the Son of God. And you beleive that now God will smile on the Jew for rebuilding a temple he God destroyed 2000 years ago, and you further beleive that God will smile on a people that still refuse to accept his salvation through his blood?
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
What third temple? Please give me proper NT scripture that tells of a third temple that God accepts. When all the prophecys dealing with the temple were written in NT the temple in Jerusalem was still standing so had to be speaking of that temple. No where in the book of Revelation does it speak of a new man made earthly temple that had been rebuilt or was new.
Something else to think about when checking into this, What did the Jewish temeple revolve around? Animal sacrifices for the sins commited my man. Why do the Jews want to build anew temple for? To began to re offer animal sacrifices. Why would this please God?
His son became the last sacrifice for all mankind don't you think that for the Jew to restart animal sacrifices that it would be like spitting in the face of God? God destroyed the temple in Jerusalem and Jerusalem in 70ad because those people would not repent for what they had done when they crucified the Son of God. And you beleive that now God will smile on the Jew for rebuilding a temple he God destroyed 2000 years ago, and you further beleive that God will smile on a people that still refuse to accept his salvation through his blood?
Call it what you will (third temple), some kind of temple will be in existence at our Lord’s return for the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, and 2 Thessalonians 2:4 in which the antichrist sets up the abomination of desolation. Not sure if this temple will be built at God's command or even with His approval but since it will bear His Name & His Name is holy... surely judgment will come to those that desecrate it.
I, too, believe that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for all mankind but unfortunately most of the Jewish nation does not hold this belief.
Many unbelieving Jews are still looking for their Messiah. Many people today are still looking for their Savior. HE came and OH, SAY BUT I'M GLAD!!!
The Word clearly tells us that the things that are ETERNAL are UNSEEN by physical eyes. IF we are not born again, we will never SEE the Kingdom of God or COMPREHEND it. It can only be seen through eyes of FAITH! Without FAITH it is IMPOSSI-
BLE to PLEASE HIM. FOR HE that cometh to GOD MUST believe that HE IS and that HE IS A REWARDER of them that DILI-
GENTLY SEEK HIM! Wise men and women still SEEK HIM!
GOD IS A SPIRIT! They that worship Him MUST worship HIM in SPIRIT and IN TRUTH! For the Father seeketh such to worship Him. Those who do not want the HOLY GHOST will never see the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is NOT meat and drink, but Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the HOLY GHOST! Many are SO BLIND!! Having eyes to see, but they cannot see! The Kingdom of GOD IS WITHIN you!! If you have the Holy Ghost, STIR up the Gift that is WITHIN you!!
How did the unbelieving Jews miss HIM! They were looking for a physical KING in a kingly robe! They never expected a King in a Robe of Humanity! HE HID the Truth from the wise and prudent and revealed it unto "babes".
One GOD, concealed in the OLD, revealed in the NEW, and now indwells as the HOLY GHOST in His sons and daughters. Again, why would you expect to SEE Someone who dwells INSIDE! God is a, (The Holy) Spirit. GOD was IN CHRIST, reconciling the world unto Himself!