Originally Posted by Socialite
The woman in the SF Gate article was not "poor" or "disenfranchised." Neither is this a "liberal aggression" example. It's a law, and one that Republicans side with on Federal and State levels (FDA, etc). Because the City has rules regarding people selling food for profit doesn't mean they are attacking this woman.
I disagree with Oakland's ruling here (pro-urban farming) because of the size of her land. This is small potatoes. But rules are rules until they are changed.
Stick with the facts.
You missed the point on the lady in SF. SHe is a source of cheap food for poor people and people that want to save on food spending.
"Rules are rules" is the game that hinders economic market flow of money for food.
I know you don't like numbers but let's try. She has a vacant lot. The want to charge her several thousand for permits. That increase her cost of fresh produce production
She would have to buy equipment to pocess transactions or she can't accept food stanps. Food stamps are issued by THE USDA and run only thru certain merchants. That means thos merchants have shipping costs, union wages and a long list of expenses built nto food costs whech make poor people have their food stamp dollar not reach as far. It costs billions to do the food stamp program much of which is NOT food costs.
USDA spends 85 billion on food stamps
They spend 10 billion on farm subsidies which is down from 12 billion
Libs like yourself don't understand what farm subsidies are for.
They will spend 1 billion on food inspections which this lady doesn't have her food inspected. Saves gubment money
Then there is the CCC which is involved in ag lending, export sale lending subsidies for exports and a whole lot of other transactions. .including paying me to not plant rye.
Obama signed an ugly monster food safety bill which will drive out small farmers , local produce, small organics and others and protect the monster farms.
The gubment wants to decide who grows our food, what we eat and who sells it. All the gubment involvement will cost billions more per month and quality of food will go down.