Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
Just saw the movie "The Kids are alright" about a lesbian couple who have 2 children that want to know their biological father. The movie didn't portray the family as perfect but did defend the lesbian family when the father tried to interlope. Do you think that gay couples should be allowed to adopt children or procreate children with donor fathers and surrogate mothers? How and when did gay couples get the right to adopt?
Oh heavens, we can't let children around gay adults because we all know it's contagious and they'll turn gay, too. Heck, they might even catch AIDS through the mac & cheese. And of course, we can't let a gay male couple raise a boy because they'll just molest him.
Let's stand our ground, Christians, and protect the children!! Let's keep those kids with straight couples so they'll never have to deal with being gay, being molested, or catching AIDS.
And yes, Hoovie, I'm commenting on another gay thread. I wonder how long it'll be before you show up and insinuate that I'm gay? The clock is ticking. And by the way, one of my "posse" sent me a link from June when you called me "Limp-wristed." You've been doing this more and longer than I thought. You haven't tried, "Light in the loafers" yet on me. Give that one a shot.