As advertised, the new web community is open. While there yet remains a lot of collection, editing, and posting of material spread about the internet, I will leave the bulk of that effort as an on-going task.
While everyone is invited to join and to contribute to the many subjects, this site is designed primarily for spiritual leaders and leaders in training. That is, for any serious student of the word of God.
Unlike many such self-professing originators of such sites, there are no hidden agendas or narrow dogmatic creeds that one is expected to adopt. Rather, the purpose is clear: To provide material for the disciples of Christ to consider - even from a different point of view, and to drive, push, pull, and to otherwise encourage each individual to engage in a serious study of God's word - for themselves. My goal is to provide the initial guidance and advice for such a life-long task, accompanied by a growing list of resources to assist the individual saint in this undertaking.
There is nothing to buy, subscribe to, or commit to, in order to be a member of this community, save one thing only:
It is the most difficult to do, the single most dangerous of all activities to undertake, and the most frightening to face, i.e. with the utmost personal honesty, courage and integrity, plus an absolute commitment to submit yourself to a continuous, in depth self examination, to see if you are remaining 'in the faith' (
2 Corinthians 13:5), maturing in the faith (
Hebrews 6:1-6), and to see if you are becoming more secure in your own salvation (
Philippians 2:12).
So, what I am offering to my friends, is an adventure - but not for the faint of heart! I propose an expedition into the wilds of one's own heart. Where everything you think you believe in is open to challenge, to determine if it can hold up to a serious shaking by the Spirit of God.
I do not pretend to have all of the answers to life or the nature of God, not even a good number of answers - but, let us search out what we can, together.
Shalom Aleichem