Originally Posted by kayl
How can I know for certain?
If you're serious, this is my experience.
First, do you feel as though you are? Sometimes one's intuition or spiritual discernment is the only indication. If so, you have to act. This is extremely serious.
Anoint your home: especially doors and windows. Also anoint children if they are in the home. It's best to send them to brother or sister in the Lord's house. A relative will do in a pinch. Turn off all electronic distractions (televisions, radios, cell phones, etc.) If at night, light a candle, fire place, or some form of natural lighting. PRAY aloud. Praise God for victory over the enemy (spirits hate this). Read the Bible aloud (they hate this too). Choose passages of authority (they REALLY hate this). Then command any bewitching spirit to show itself. Should a "disturbance" occur... CAST IT OUT IN JESUS NAME. Once it appears to be gone command it show itself again. If another disturbance occurs, it's not gone yet. If all appears settled, it may be gone. If it returns search your heart and your home for a spiritual "stronghold" wherein it has claimed authority. Repent or remove the stronghold and repeat.
I've had glass globes over lights in the kitchen explode, animals go nuts, candles blow out, children start sleep walking, and strange creeking in the house take place when demanding a spirit show itself or when they want to make their presence known. The first time it's absolutely horrifying. It might be best to have someone who is also a believer in spiritual warfare to be present with you. They may totally freak if it reveals itself, keep your cool. DON'T allow it to speak or entertain anything it has to say. YOU do all the talking and commanding. It's unwelcome and an invader. Cast it out. No negotiation.
Or... you could shoot in the dark and just prayerfully cast it out without truly knowing if it's there or not. Most do this. lol
Should you reveal and remove the spirit... please update us on what happened. So few of us operate in the supernatural such testimonies are becoming truly rare.
God bless.
If possible fast at least a meal prior to confronting a spirit. Fasting and prayer combined increases spiritual anointing and authority through empowering the spirit and subjugating the flesh.