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Old 09-25-2010, 10:17 AM
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See how your city is broken down racially

This guy took the 2000-2002 census data and did a color graphical map of how the races are setup in each city major American city. It shows that there are groupings in nearly all major cities.


Red dots are White Folks
Blue dots are Black Folks
Orange dots are Hispanic Folks
Green dots are Asian Folks

Each dot represents 25 people

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Old 09-25-2010, 10:50 AM
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Re: See how your city is broken down racially

If you prick us, do we not all bleed the same blood? Why does it matter how a city is broken down racially? Jesus died for every last red, blue, orange and green dot on that map so it really makes no difference to me how many black or white or asian folk live in major cities.
….and since Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, we cannot be defeated!
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Old 09-25-2010, 01:04 PM
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Re: See how your city is broken down racially

Originally Posted by PraiseHymn View Post
If you prick us, do we not all bleed the same blood? Why does it matter how a city is broken down racially? Jesus died for every last red, blue, orange and green dot on that map so it really makes no difference to me how many black or white or asian folk live in major cities.

It has to do with strategies for reaching people and being aware of our surroundings. Paul became "All things to all men" indicating he was aware of their uniqueness and adjusted himself accordingly.
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Old 09-25-2010, 01:13 PM
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Apocrypha Apocrypha is offline
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Re: See how your city is broken down racially

Originally Posted by Mr. Smith View Post
It has to do with strategies for reaching people and being aware of our surroundings. Paul became "All things to all men" indicating he was aware of their uniqueness and adjusted himself accordingly.
Agreed, all are indeed 101% equal in the church.

Many many many church growth studies show that "homogeneous groups" or sameness is a major reason for rapid growth. Folks like what they are comfortable with. Thats why in Atlanta Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, and Andy Stanley each reach their communities and why half of Atlanta West would walk out if they heard hooping style repeat and call black preaching every week, week after week. They can take it for a week or even a revival, but they would croak in they got full bore PAW or COGIC style speaking/preaching all the time.

Different styles reach different people when you look at it in a larger group context. Even the early church had hellenistic jews, more "traditional" jews, gentiles and a wide mix between slaves and freemen. The early early church had a lot of priests in Jerusalem according to Acts and its obvious they reached out to each other as a group... same thing for Paul going after the gentiles mostly and James, Peter and Matthew focusing on the Jews of the diaspora.

Its why Antioch and its sattelite cities grew differently than what the Roman church had going on. People tend to reach people like themselves... its not evil, its just common sense.

Name-calling is the last resort of an exhausted mind.

When people have the facts, they argue the facts.

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