Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Teresa Lewis is dead.
The State of Virginia executes a 41 year old woman for "masterminding" the murder of her husband and step son.
She had an IQ of 70.
Mental Retardation is classified as having an IQ of 69 and lower.
The two young men who actually did the killing were given life sentences.
This just seems wrong to me.
The last time Virgina executed a woman, it was the year of 1912. She was a 17 year old black "woman" who was sent to the electric chair.
Her name was Virginia Christian. She was convicted of murder.
That whole story seems eerily ironic.
98 years later, Grandma Teresa Lewis is dead at the age of 41, executed by the hands of the government of the State of Virginia.
May God rest her soul.
This is above the level of mild retardation which is an IQ of 50-69
Obviously you are not learned in doing personal assessments. They run these killers past a lot of psychological and psychiatric evaluations.
According to the DSM IV which is the manual we use now, .
three criteria must be met for a diagnosis of mental retardation. IQ below 70, significant limitations in two or more areas of adaptive behavior (as measured by an adaptive behavior rating scale, i.e. communication, self-help skills, interpersonal skills, and more), and evidence that the limitations became apparent before the age of 18.
It is formally diagnosed by professional assessment of intelligence
and adaptive behavior.
We consider killing maladaptive behavior for people that have an IQ of 140 also.
So she was able to marry, take care of herself, plead guilty to hiring two men in 2002 to murder her husband and stepson so she could pocket their life insurance policy.
Lewis met her two accomplices, Rodney Fuller and Matthew Shallenberger, in a Walmart superstore. Soon she began an affair with the 22-year-old Shallenberger.
Her lawyers had argued that new evidence, including her low IQ, had appeared since her trial and should prevent her execution.
The key piece of evidence they wanted considered was a letter from Shallenberger, who killed himself in jail in 2006, in which he claimed full responsibility for the murder plot and suggests he pushed Lewis into it.
She commited adultery with Shallenberger.
I'm one of the few pacifists on this board. You all are going to have to figger out your deal. You all go to war,, the libs do abortion and now isolate this deal and say she was treated wrong.
Just for the record, when I started training, an idiot had an IQ of less than 25, an imbecile was between idiot and 50 and moron between 50 and 70. Needless to say these expressions are very unpopular.
Now for the sticky statement. The "maladaptive behavior component" of "borderline mentally retarded" I saw fits any and all homicide.