Originally Posted by Shingledecker
This question is directed to those that consider themselves apostolic.
You did not answer my question but instead injected your opinion about the Bible.
I disagree, I did answer. The bible is one of the major reasons there's conflict in the so-called 'apostolic' movement. Some 'apostolics' teach from the bible it's a sin for a woman to cut her hair, other 'apostolics' teach that it's ok using the same bible. Some 'apostolics' will say the bible teaches that TV is a sin, other 'apostolics' teach that TV isn't a sin.
There's Steve Winter 'apostolics', UPC 'apostolics' and other 'apostolics' all teaching conflicting teachings based on the same bible.
Since by your post it appears you don't believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God then I believe you have disqualified yourself from this discussion.
Why would that disqualify me?
Sorry you feel that way about the book. Is the Koran more reliable? What about Vishnu?
I don't know much about the Koran, but I doubt it would be more reliable. Likewise Vishnu.
What do you use (other than an emotional opinion) to PROVE that "your god is Jesus' god"?
Oh, I use the bible for that.
What other resource do you have (in writing) that directs you to a personal relationship and accountability to a Holy God?
There are many spiritual writings that directs one to a personal relationship and accountibility to a Holy God. I suspect you're going to want to know what others, so I'll save a step and give you one. The Gospel of Thomas.
Now we'll argue about why the bible contains the books that it does.
The Bible is the most reliable resource for information about God the Creator and Savior than anything else you may ever read.
You don't know everything that I've ever read.
My question again, to apostolics is: What do we DO to encourage Apostolic Unity among ministry and laity?
Are you speaking of Steve Winter 'apostolics', UPC 'apostolics' or one of the other 'apostolic' sects out there? What bible do they use to come to such conflicting beliefs?