Our FUEL conference is going on at church - started Wednesday night and continues throughout the days and ends tonight. We had over 225 teenagers last night; that room was packed and incredibly HOT. But you would have never known it the way those teens worshiped. It was awesome! We've had over 50 come to the Lord in repentance or rededication. We've had backsliders come back, and kids delivered from everything from drugs to homosexuality.
We have 21 interns, ages 13-18 who have given up their entire summer to volunteer at the church - sometimes working, sometimes in intense training and prayer. They were the prayer team for this conference, and they have cast out demons, prayed kids through to the Holy Ghost, counseled, etc. They have been fantastic. Last night, the youth drama/dance team did this incredible song and dance routine that was so powerful! I want them to do it on Sunday in the sanctuary.
We had about 15 boys from Youth Town there last night, who came with a counselor. Youth Town is a last chance place for boys to go, instead of going to juvenile hall. It's some rough guys! But it was so awesome last night to see about 8 of them in the altar on the floor, repenting and crying. I don't know if any of them got the Holy Ghost or not, but I know those interns were really ministering to them.
Eddie preached last night, but tonight is our youth pastor. Those kids had never heard Eddie preach the way he did last night! It wasn't your typical Sunday morning sermon, to say the least. Chris, our youth pastor, is a fiery evangelist. He will turn them upside down tonight! I'm so glad my son got to be a part of this conference, even though he is almost 22.
Can you tell I'm excited and proud of our kids??????