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Old 07-15-2010, 09:38 AM
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Book Talk

“melody, the harmony, the rhythm, the tempo, and the music behind all things. The heavens and earth sing His song and play His tune.” Viola and Sweet (Jesus Manifesto)

“If the church does not reorient and become Christological at its core, any steps taken will be backwards.” ~Viola-Sweet (Jesus Manifesto)

I reviewed this book @ Book Talk.

I am trying to become a writer and build rapport with publishers (IVP, Thomas Nelson, Tyndale mainly). I have been reading and reviewing for just a short time. Recently Bostick Communications added my blogs to their press releases. I was also added to Christian.com I recently become an Amazon Associate as well to support the effort.

I already have one internet business (dylosh.com) owned by my wife and I. We have done work for some of you and are very thankful for your business! If you know of anyone who loves books give them my link to Book Talk (below).


My Blog: Evidential Faith

Last edited by JN Anderson; 07-15-2010 at 10:10 AM.
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Old 07-15-2010, 01:08 PM
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Re: Book Talk

Ancient Writings Commentary on the Gospel of Mark

Check out my review and discussion on Markan priority, authorship, and comments on the longer or shorter ending.
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Old 07-20-2010, 02:26 PM
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Re: Book Talk

Author Nevin Bass, from Truth Streams, is a pastor, teacher, writer and an avid fly fisherman. In this work he offers a great resource for every pastor or minister—Stepping Stones. The book also comes with PowerPoint files for use in teaching each chapter as a lesson or a series of lessons. Bass uses the journey of the Hebrew people through the wilderness to reveal how God helps us to grow and develop into a true man or woman of God. The journey through the wilderness is how God “teaches life’s lessons through trials.”

In the foreword, author and Bible teacher--Kelsey Griffin--notes that the work of God “is not a sudden transformation but a slow, steady, and continual process of adjustments through situations…” (pg. xi). In this work Bass demonstrates this through the life of Israel. Chapter one, helps to prepare us for the journey. Bass notes that “greatness will always elude us until we are able to transform our thinking and thus reform our living.” (pg. 12). Each chapter concludes with a summary to draw together the strings of each thought.

Click here to read more of my review.

Click here to purchase or peruse the works of Nevin Bass.
My Blog: Evidential Faith
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Old 07-23-2010, 12:39 PM
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Re: Book Talk

The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems by William Dembski and Jonathan Wells- Review by Jason Dulle
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Old 08-30-2010, 06:21 PM
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Re: Book Talk

False Prophets by Billy Bass. Bro. Bass, from Pensacola, Fla. has debated and studied Oneness theology for 30 years. I have read it. You can read my review here. This books is a perfect complement to any Oneness believers bookshelf.

My Blog: Evidential Faith
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Old 10-07-2010, 09:45 AM
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Re: Book Talk

Read from Book Talk

The Historical Jesus: Five Views is a compilation of five contributors – Robert M. Price, John Dominic Crossan, Luke Timothy Johnson, James D.G. Dunn, and Darrell L. Bock. Their positions and responses cover 300 pages of theological diversity on the person and historicity of Jesus Christ.

IVP Academics has done a great job in providing this book as a valuable resource. It was edited by J.K. Beilby and P.R. Eddy. Reading this book is a great way to jump right into the quest for the Historical Jesus. I recommend it for any bookshelf.
My Blog: Evidential Faith
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Old 02-07-2011, 07:34 AM
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Re: Book Talk

The Word Defined : Research Study Bible is a great resource for any student of the Word. Word Defined is a three volume set: Volume one - Genesis through II Kings; Volume two - 1 Chronicles through Malachi; Volume three - The New Testament. My volume has a great design and sturdy binding. Often times we pick up our Bibles and see words that we know have more meaning than we might notice at first glance. In this series of works, while using the KJV, Dr. Mike Dobbs takes each proper noun offers the phonetic pronunciation, the appropriate Hebrew or Greek word and the definition of that proper noun.

Here is an example:

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God (El-o-HEEM' [El ohiym']: "The supreme God") created the heavens (Shaw-mahh'-yim [Shamayim]: "to be lofty; the sky; the visible arch in which the clouds move") and the earth. KJV

There is also an "How to" guide on transliteration and pronunciation. The guide gives the letter, name, and English phonetic. For example, aleph is the first word in the Hebrew alphabet. It is silent as in "h" in "hour". Footnotes are also throughout each volume for easy reference. For example, in Genesis 35:16 we see the proper noun Ephrath. The footnotes clarify further: "Ephrath or Ephratha is the ancient name of Bethlehem of Judah, which the prophet Micah refers to as "Bethlehem Ephratha." (Dobbs, pg. 120)

Throughout the text there are also "Did You Know?" information boxes that also help clarify. For example, Deuteronomy 4:3 mentions Baal-Peor. The information box explains, "Baal-Peor was an idol of the Moabites and the Midianites. As the name indicates, this god was worshipped, by obscene rites, in celebration of fertility and the female anatomy. The Moabite women lured the men of Israel away from God with these lustful and licentious rites." (Dobbs, pg. 450) Numbers 15:9 uses the the phrase "hin of wine". The information box explains "A hin was a liquid measure equal to about 8 quarts." (Dobbs, pg. 369)

This study Bible series was born out of Dr. Dobb's visitation to the nation of Israel. A Jewis Rabbi spoke to him while in the Holy Land saying, "the Western world has only partially translated the scriptures and by leaving the names of people and places of the Bible undefined, there is much that the Western mind would never discern or see, contained in the Scriptures." (Dobbs, pg. 7) There is much that we do not readily see because of familiarity with certain words. As we begin to uncover the meaning of these words, especially proper nouns, we are able to provide a "more accurate account of a particular event." (Dobbs, pg. 7)

This study Bible is a recommend for anyone interested in study of the Word. It is a one of a kind study Bible by a Oneness Pentecostal. It is especially helpful to those who want to quickly see how to pronounce the word in English as well. Often times we are unsure of how to pronounce a certain name or place. The work is done for you and provided after each proper noun. For example: Moses (MOE zez [Mos 'she]: "drawn out"

Dr.Mike Dobbs is a husband and pastor in Wiggins, Mississippi and has pastored Word Alive Revival Center for over 18 years. He is also a father of two. You can also access Dr. Dobb's radio podcast here.

Click here to visit Worddefined.com
My Blog: Evidential Faith
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