I wonder how much of our unwise activity is driven by the craving for attention? With the questions swirling about the "Whys" concerning the whole degree fiasco, could one of the factors simply be the need for attention?
So here's a "Need for attention" that disgusts me. WHY would LeBron James feel the need to turn his free agency into a freak show? He's going to reveal his choice on an ESPN primetime one-hour special?? Are you kidding me?? Who's advising him here, Bret Favre??
Isn't LeBron great enough of a player to be recognized for his incredible abilities? Guess not. But I wonder how many of us are dragged down by the same motivation, the need for attention, compromising every bit of integrity and ethics just so we can be noticed?
Up until now, LJ has been a class act here in Cleveland. I'd be surprised if he stayed. I think he is looking out for LJ more than anything else. He really WANTS a championship and Cleveland won't give it to him. I don't blame him. Cleveland didn't make him the star he is. HE brought attention to Cleveland. Sure Cleveland's been good to him, but make one mistake and the Cleveland fans turn on you like a female black widow! I've seen it over and over and over. Cleveland is NOT a good place for long time relationships in the sports world. It has a bad rep for good reason.
So glad that I'm a fair weather fan. I don't lose sleep over any of this!
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
Up until now, LJ has been a class act here in Cleveland. I'd be surprised if he stayed. I think he is looking out for LJ more than anything else. He really WANTS a championship and Cleveland won't give it to him. I don't blame him. Cleveland didn't make him the star he is. HE brought attention to Cleveland. Sure Cleveland's been good to him, but make one mistake and the Cleveland fans turn on you like a female black widow! I've seen it over and over and over. Cleveland is NOT a good place for long time relationships in the sports world. It has a bad rep for good reason.
So glad that I'm a fair weather fan. I don't lose sleep over any of this!
When a teammate is rumored to sleep with your mama, it's time to go.
I'm pretty unimpressed with LeBron as it is, and I live in Akron... his hometown and current primary residence. He is notorious for his ghastly behavior in restaurants, stores, etc. He has done some good for a lot of the inner-city kids here, though amid some accusations of racism on his part. And let's not even discuss his precious mother! LOL
I am appalled by the huge billboards that feature him with his arms spread like he's some sort of messiah. He's just a ball player - a very wealthy one - but just a ball player. If he leaves, he leaves, I think most in the NE Ohio area have already moved on. If his intention was really to stay, and if he was anything but a fame whore, he would have announced his intention long ago before it even became an issue. The drama is only serving to feed his already huge ego.
Instead of studying to make sure what we believe is supported by Scripture, we MUST study the Scripture to see what IT TEACHES... then BELIEVE THAT!
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2.15 KJV
Up until now, LJ has been a class act here in Cleveland. I'd be surprised if he stayed. I think he is looking out for LJ more than anything else. He really WANTS a championship and Cleveland won't give it to him. I don't blame him. Cleveland didn't make him the star he is. HE brought attention to Cleveland. Sure Cleveland's been good to him, but make one mistake and the Cleveland fans turn on you like a female black widow! I've seen it over and over and over. Cleveland is NOT a good place for long time relationships in the sports world. It has a bad rep for good reason.
So glad that I'm a fair weather fan. I don't lose sleep over any of this!
So they turn on people in Cleveland?? Well, he better not every play in Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, etc. In my tremendous sports analysis opinion, I think it's a mistake to do the Miami thing. If he wins there, it'll eliminate him from the "All-time greatest" discussion, because he couldn't turn a team into a winner like Bird, Magic, Jordan, and Kobe. He will have only won when he played on an all-star team he put together. Second, what if he doesn't win?? And it's no sure thing that he will. There's still LA, Orlando, Boston and Dallas. San Antonio will be good again with Parker back from injury. If he doesn't win there, what does that say about him then?
Couldn't it also be that the marketing "gurus" and the like are pushing Mr. James into this television program? Let's face it, until NFL training camp starts up there's just not much excitement on ESPN this time of year.
EXCEPT! Except - did you guys see film from Chicago (I think it was Chicago - I saw it on WGN News) of the guy who fell out of the Upper Deck at a baseball stadium trying to catch a foul ball yesterday?
Fortunately the guy seems to have survived; but the shots of the players on the field who witnessed the whole thing... I was moved. These "prima donnas" were actually in tears and visibly shaken and upset over what had happened to this fan.
It was a sad and startling event - but my esteem for ball players was nudged up by witnessing their reactions.