It's been a rough couple of days in our area
On Saturday night, at least 3 areas close to us were HARD HIT by tornadoes.
The closest to us is Delta - the next town over. Actually only about a 5-10 minute drive from us. I posted pics on my Facebook page from that area if anyone is interested.
Dundee, Michigan got hit hard. That's where Cabela's is (for my two friends from here that I met up with at Cabela's a couple of years ago). Splash Mountain, a big hotel with an indoor waterpark, had to be evacuated. The tornado basically destroyed the top floor! It went right thru the town of Dundee and did horrible damage.
And then there was a tornado that went thru the Lake Township area on the southeast side of Toledo (about 20 minutes from us). That tornado is said to have been at least an F3, but probably an F4!! It completely destroyed the high school and many, many homes. It also killed 5 people. The school was to have had their graduation on Sunday but obviously that got post-poned. The valedictorian lost her father in the tornado.
At the same time, the stories of wonderful people reaching out to their friends, neighbors and even complete strangers are just amazing to hear. My favorite came from my brother today. His friend's house was demolished in Delta. Some lady drove down the road today and stopped to talk to him. During the conversation, he mentioned that his kids were sad because their bikes had been destroyed. She left from there and drove straight to Wal-Mart and bought brand new bikes for Donnie's kids. Isn't that awesome!
There is a church that was damaged but not destroyed by the tornado in Delta. But the people from that church have spent the last two days feeding the people out there working on the clean-up and passing out water and pop and other beverages, as well as manning the chainsaws themselves to help out! That is true Christianity at its best!!
And that, my friends, is why I have been absent here lately. Pray for the people of Northwest Ohio as they clean up and rebuild.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! ! 