Our human spirits are distinct from our souls. The soul has the faculties of thinking, emotions and will. The spirit, on the other hand, has spiritual faculties. It can hear from God, has spiritual conscience and is the part of us that communicates with God in heart. So, when a person is born again it is spirit that is born of His Spirit. We now have a WINDOW, I call it, that is our spirits that open our thoughts of soul to a new realm altogether.
The body is sort of like the window of the soul to the physical. The spirit is the window of the soul to the spiritual. With a dead spirit, we are useless to God and cannot know Him. All we are conscious of is the material world around us. But the newborn spirit is like a new set of senses that suddenly come alive. And these senses relate to the spiritual world.
The carnal mind is the soul that only is conscious of the physical world. The Spiritual mind is conscious of the spiritual realm. So it is a matter of which WINDOW we focus upon and lean towards -- body or spirit.
So all these benefits of
Romans 8 come into play with a newborn spirit.