Did anyone watch it? I just got done watching it. If you have watched it let me know what you thought about the ending. I personally thought it was a fabulously done ending and most of the stuff started to make sense after a while.
To me it was the best Series Finale. Cheers was a good Series Finale as well, but the LOST Finale was awesome. I am not a crier. I hardly ever do it even at church, but I did tear up a bit at the end. Tuesdays are NOT going to be the same.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
The only time I've seen any of the shows on this series was once several years ago when visiting out of state and the folks there had the program on tv in the living room where we were sitting.
i watched the finale. I feel that they went for the feel good ending. The finale was definitely in character with the rest of the show, but I think they took the easy way out. They already had built up the game between Jacob and MIB, they should have made the more front and center. There was a couple of endings they could have gone with, and to me, they took the easiest way out.
Did anyone watch it? I just got done watching it. If you have watched it let me know what you thought about the ending. I personally thought it was a fabulously done ending and most of the stuff started to make sense after a while.
To me it was the best Series Finale. Cheers was a good Series Finale as well, but the LOST Finale was awesome. I am not a crier. I hardly ever do it even at church, but I did tear up a bit at the end. Tuesdays are NOT going to be the same.
cried over a tv show??
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.
The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.
It was pretty emotional for the last 10 minutes or so, and if you have watched the series in its entirety, it might get to you.
I have watched the series in its entirety, however, I am not an overly emotional person to begin with, thus I viewed it with the cold, uncaring eye of cynicism.
But I could see how it would be very emotional for most of the viewers.
Were they finally found? I have no clue what this show was really about.
Yes they were. A small satellite component fell from space which the professor was able to use to repair a device which predicted the weather, to which he discovered a major typhoon fast approaching. They all joined together -quite literally and lashed their huts together creating one big floating barge so when the tidal wave swept over the island it carried them all out to sea. Once floating on the endless ocean all hope seemed lost until one of the survivors decided to "treat" the other ones to an actual cooked dinner not realizing that the whole floating raft was made of bamboo and grasses. While everyone was frantically trying to put out the fire the smoke was seen by a coast guard helicopter and they were all finally rescued!
Last edited by RandyWayne; 05-24-2010 at 10:54 AM.